5909 AMH VOLZ ZOLL 223


SB 5909 - H AMD TO SGOV COMM AMD (H-2848.1/22) 1334

By Representative Volz

On page 1, line 19 of the striking amendment, after "affected;" strike "or"

On page 1, line 24 of the striking amendment, after "representatives" insert "; or

(c) Sixty days after a proclamation of a state of emergency is signed by the governor, unless extended by the legislature through concurrent resolution. If the legislature is not in session, the state of emergency may be extended in writing by all of the four members of the leadership of the senate and the house of representatives until the legislature can extend the state of emergency by concurrent resolution. No individual extension may exceed 60 days, but the legislature may pass subsequent resolutions of extension and the leadership of the senate and the house of representatives may issue subsequent extensions in writing in accordance with this subsection (3)(c).


EFFECT: Provides that a state of emergency is terminated after 60 days unless extended by the Legislature, either by concurrent resolution or, if the Legislature is not in session, by all of the four members of Legislative Leadership.


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