1336-S.E AMS SHOR S2516.1
ESHB 1336 - S AMD TO ENET COMM AMD (S-2328.2/21) 614
By Senator Short
NOT ADOPTED 04/11/2021
Beginning on page 6, line 16, strike all of sections 5 through 7
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
ESHB 1336 - S AMD TO ENET COMM AMD (S-2328.2/21) 614
By Senator Short
NOT ADOPTED 04/11/2021
On page 14, beginning on line 4, after "
54.16 RCW;" strike all material through "
36.01 RCW;" on line 6
EFFECT: Removes the authorization for towns, second-class cities, and counties to provide telecommunications services.
--- END ---