1336-S.E AMS SHOR S2636.1
ESHB 1336 - S AMD TO ENET COMM AMD (S-2328.2/21) 626
By Senator Short
NOT ADOPTED 04/11/2021
On page 8, line 14, after "subsection" strike "(((9)))(8)" and insert "(9)"
On page 9, beginning on line 13, after "(7)" strike all material through "(8)))" on line 22 and insert "A port district that has not exercised the authorities provided in this section prior to June 7, 2018, must develop a business case plan before exercising the authorities provided in this section. The port district must procure an independent qualified consultant to review the business case plan, including the use of public funds in the provision of wholesale telecommunications services. Any recommendations or adjustments to the business case plan made during third-party review must be received and either rejected or accepted by the port commission in an open meeting.
On page 9, at the beginning of line 26, strike "(((9)))(8)" and insert "(9)"
On page 9, line 32, after "subsection" strike "(((9)))(8)" and insert "(9)"
EFFECT: Restores current law requiring a port district that has not exercised provided authorities related to telecommunications services prior to June 7, 2018, to develop a business case plan before exercising such authorities.
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