1368-S.E AMS WARN S0871.3
ESHB 1368 - S AMD 47
By Senator Warnick
NOT ADOPTED 02/10/2021
On page 12, line 14, increase the General Fund—Federal Appropriation by $610,000
Adjust the total appropriation accordingly.
On page 12, line 18, after "(1)" insert "(a)"
On page 12, after line 25, insert the following:
"(b) Of the amount provided in (a) of this subsection, $610,000 is provided solely for local education agencies ineligible for subgrants as authorized in section 313, the coronavirus response and relief supplemental appropriations act, P.L. 116-260, division M. Allocations as subgrants to these local education agencies must be based on the average amount per pupil that eligible local education agencies will receive under (a) of this subsection."
EFFECT: Increases the appropriation by $610,000 to make subgrants within this section available to local education agencies that are ineligible to receive subgrants under the Title I distribution methodology required for a portion of the ESSER II funds.
EXPENDITURE EFFECT (2021-2023): $0 Near General Fund—State/$610,000 Total Funds
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