1453.E AMS KUDE S2498.1
EHB 1453 - S AMD 539
By Senator Kuderer
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
Sec. 1. "RCW 29A.32.010 and 2003 c 111 s 801 are each amended to read as follows:
The secretary of state shall, whenever at least one statewide measure or office is scheduled to appear on the general election ballot, print and distribute a voters' pamphlet.
The secretary of state shall distribute the voters' pamphlet to each household in the state, to public libraries, and to any other locations he or she deems appropriate. The secretary of state shall also produce ((taped))recorded or Braille transcripts of the voters' pamphlet, publicize their availability, and mail without charge a copy to any person who requests one.
The secretary of state may make the material required to be distributed by this chapter available to the public in electronic form. The secretary of state may provide the material in electronic form to ((computer bulletin boards))web based, print, and broadcast news media, ((community computer networks,)) and similar services at the cost of reproduction or transmission of the data.
Sec. 2. RCW 29A.32.020 and 2003 c 111 s 802 are each amended to read as follows:
No person or entity may publish or distribute any campaign material that is deceptively similar in design or appearance to a voters' pamphlet that was published by the secretary of state during the ten-year period before the publication or distribution of the campaign material by the person or entity. The secretary of state shall take reasonable measures to prevent or to stop violations of this section. Such measures may include, among others, petitioning the superior court for a temporary restraining order or other appropriate injunctive relief. In addition, the secretary may request the superior court to impose a civil fine on a violator of this section. The court is authorized to levy on and recover from each violator a civil fine not to exceed the greater of: (1) ((Two))Five dollars for each copy of the deceptive material distributed, or (2) ((one thousand dollars))$10,000. In addition, the violator is liable for the state's legal expenses and other costs resulting from the violation. Any funds recovered under this section must be transmitted to the state treasurer for deposit in the general fund.
Sec. 3. RCW 29A.32.031 and 2020 c 208 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:
The voters' pamphlet published or distributed under RCW 29A.32.010 must contain:
(1) Information about each measure for an advisory vote of the people and each ballot measure initiated by or referred to the voters for their approval or rejection as required by RCW 29A.32.070;
(2) In even-numbered years, statements, if submitted, from candidates for the office of president and vice president of the United States, United States senator, United States representative, governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, state auditor, attorney general, commissioner of public lands, superintendent of public instruction, insurance commissioner, state senator, state representative, justice of the supreme court, judge of the court of appeals, or judge of the superior court. Candidates may also submit campaign contact information and a photograph not more than five years old in a format that the secretary of state determines to be suitable for reproduction in the voters' pamphlet;
(3) In odd-numbered years, ((if))for any office voted upon statewide or any multicounty congressional or multicounty legislative district that appears on the ballot due to a vacancy, ((then)) statements and photographs for candidates for any vacant office listed in subsection (2) of this section must appear;
(4) Contact information for the public disclosure commission established under RCW 42.17A.100, including the following statement: "For a list of the people and organizations that donated to state and local candidates and ballot measure campaigns, visit www.pdc.wa.gov." The statement must be placed in a prominent position, such as on the cover or on the first two pages of the voters' pamphlet. The secretary of state may substitute such language as is necessary for accuracy and clarity and consistent with the intent of this section;
(5) Contact information for major political parties;
(6) A brief statement explaining the deletion and addition of language for proposed measures under RCW 29A.32.080;
(7) A list of all student engagement hubs as designated under RCW 29A.40.180; ((and))
(8) A pie chart prepared by the legislative evaluation and accountability program committee showing total budgeted funds for the state operating budget by functional areas of government for the most recent biennium; and
(9) Any additional information pertaining to elections as may be required by law or in the judgment of the secretary of state is deemed informative to the voters.
Sec. 4. RCW 29A.32.060 and 2015 c 171 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
Committees shall write and submit arguments advocating the approval or rejection of each statewide ballot issue and rebuttals of those arguments. The secretary of state, the presiding officer of the senate, and the presiding officer of the house of representatives shall appoint the initial two members of each committee. In making these committee appointments the secretary of state and presiding officers of the senate and house of representatives shall consider legislators, sponsors of initiatives and referendums, and other interested groups known to advocate or oppose the ballot measure. Committees must have the explanatory and fiscal impact statements available before preparing their arguments.
The initial two members may select up to four additional members, and the committee shall elect a chairperson. The remaining committee member or members may fill vacancies through appointment.
After the committee submits its initial argument statements to the secretary of state, the secretary of state shall transmit the statements to the opposite committee. The opposite committee may then prepare rebuttal arguments. Rebuttals may not interject new points.
The voters' pamphlet may contain only argument statements prepared according to this section. ((Arguments may contain graphs and charts supported by factual statistical data and pictures or other illustrations. Cartoons))Graphs, charts, photographs, cartoons, or caricatures are not permitted.
Sec. 5. RCW 29A.32.070 and 2016 c 83 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
The secretary of state shall determine the format and layout of the voters' pamphlet published under RCW 29A.32.010. The secretary of state shall print the pamphlet in clear, readable type on a size, quality, and weight of paper that in the judgment of the secretary of state best serves the voters. The pamphlet must contain a table of contents. Measures and arguments must be printed in the order specified by RCW 29A.72.290.
The secretary of state's name may not appear in the voters' pamphlet in his or her official capacity if the secretary is a candidate for office during the same year. His or her name may only be included as part of the information normally included for candidates.
The voters' pamphlet must provide the following information for each statewide issue on the ballot except measures for an advisory vote of the people whose requirements are provided in subsection (11) of this section:
(1) The legal identification of the measure by serial designation or number;
(2) The official ballot title of the measure;
(3) A statement prepared by the attorney general explaining the law as it presently exists;
(4) A statement prepared by the attorney general explaining the effect of the proposed measure if it becomes law;
(5) The fiscal impact statement prepared under RCW 29A.72.025;
(6) The total number of votes cast for and against the measure in the senate and house of representatives, if the measure has been passed by the legislature;
(7) An argument advocating the voters' approval of the measure together with any statement in rebuttal of the opposing argument;
(8) An argument advocating the voters' rejection of the measure together with any statement in rebuttal of the opposing argument;
(9) Each argument or rebuttal statement must be followed by the names of the committee members who submitted them, and may be followed by a telephone number that citizens may call to obtain information on the ballot measure;
(10) The full text of the measure;
(11) ((Two pages))Adequate space shall be provided in the general election voters' pamphlet for each measure for an advisory vote of the people under RCW 43.135.041 and shall consist of the serial number assigned by the secretary of state under RCW 29A.72.040, the short description formulated by the attorney general under RCW 29A.72.283, the tax increase's most up-to-date ten-year cost projection, including a year-by-year breakdown, by the office of financial management under RCW 43.135.031((, and the names of the legislators, and their contact information, and how they voted on the increase upon final passage so they can provide information to, and answer questions from, the public. For the purposes of this subsection, "names of legislators, and their contact information" includes each legislator's position (senator or representative), first name, last name, party affiliation (for example, Democrat or Republican), city or town they live in, office phone number, and office email address)), a reference to the page for the bill on the official legislative website, preceded by the statement "To find out how your legislators voted, visit this website," and the fiscal impact statement prepared under section 18 of this act.
Sec. 6. RCW 29A.32.090 and 2009 c 222 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((If))All statements, arguments, and photographs submitted are subject to review and approval, and must conform to the criteria in this section. A statement or photograph may be rejected, if in the opinion of the secretary of state any argument or statement offered for inclusion in the voters' pamphlet in support of or opposition to a measure or candidate does not comply with the standards contained in this section or administrative rules or contains obscene matter or matter that is otherwise prohibited by law from distribution through the mail((,)). A person or committee that has submitted a statement or photo rejected by the secretary may edit their statement or petition the superior court of Thurston county for a judicial determination that the photograph, argument, or statement ((may be rejected))complies with the standards and is acceptable for publication or edited to delete the matter. The court shall not enter such an order unless it concludes that the matter is compliant, not obscene, or not otherwise prohibited for distribution through the mail.
(2) Any statements by a candidate are limited to:
(a) Those about the candidate himself or herself;
(b) Plans and goals for the future of the jurisdiction; and
(c) Direction on where to find more information about the candidate.
(3) Candidate statements may not:
(a) Ask for contributions;
(b) Make commercial solicitations; or
(c) Make obscene or otherwise inappropriate comments.
(4) Statements and arguments submitted in support of or opposition to a measure may not:
(a) Ask for contributions;
(b) Make commercial solicitations; or
(c) Make obscene or otherwise inappropriate comments.
(5) A candidate's statement submitted for inclusion in the voters' pamphlet shall not contain false or misleading statements about the candidate's opponent. A false or misleading statement shall be considered "libel or defamation per se" if the statement tends to expose the candidate to hatred, contempt, ridicule, or obloquy, or to deprive him or her of the benefit of public confidence or social intercourse, or to injure him or her in his or her business or occupation. If a candidate believes his or her opponent has libeled or defamed him or her, the candidate may commence an action under subsection (((3)))(6) of this section.
(((3)))(6)(a) A person who believes that he or she may be defamed by an argument or statement offered for inclusion in the voters' pamphlet in support of or opposition to a measure or candidate may petition the superior court of Thurston county for a judicial determination that the argument or statement may be rejected for publication or edited to delete the defamatory statement.
(b) The court shall not enter such an order unless it concludes that the statement is untrue and that the petitioner has a very substantial likelihood of prevailing in a defamation action.
(c) An action under this subsection (((3)))(6) must be filed and served no later than the tenth day after the deadline for the submission of the argument or statement to the secretary of state.
(d) If the secretary of state notifies a person named or identified in an argument or statement of the contents of the argument or statement within three days after the deadline for submission to the secretary, then neither the state nor the secretary is liable for damages resulting from publication of the argument or statement unless the secretary publishes the argument or statement in violation of an order entered under this section. Nothing in this section creates a duty on the part of the secretary of state to identify, locate, or notify the person.
(((4)))(7) Parties to a dispute under this section may agree to resolve the dispute by rephrasing the argument or statement, even if the deadline for submission to the secretary has elapsed, unless the secretary determines that the process of publication is too far advanced to permit the change. The secretary shall promptly provide any such revision to any committee entitled to submit a rebuttal argument. If that committee has not yet submitted its rebuttal, its deadline to submit a rebuttal is extended by five days. If it has submitted a rebuttal, it may revise it to address the change within five days of the filing of the revised argument with the secretary.
(((5)))(8) In an action under this section the committee or candidate must be named as a defendant, and may be served with process by certified mail directed to the address contained in the secretary's records for that party. The secretary of state shall be a nominal party to an action brought under subsection (((3)))(6) of this section, solely for the purpose of determining the content of the voters' pamphlet. The superior court shall give such an action priority on its calendar.
Sec. 7. RCW 29A.32.110 and 2003 c 111 s 811 are each amended to read as follows:
All photographs of candidates submitted for publication must conform to standards established by the secretary of state by rule. No photograph may reveal clothing or insignia suggesting the holding of a public office. No photograph may include hats, buttons, or clothing showing words, insignia, or symbols.
Sec. 8. RCW 29A.32.121 and 2004 c 271 s 168 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The maximum number of words for statements submitted by candidates is as follows: State representative, one hundred words; state senator, judge of the superior court, judge of the court of appeals, justice of the supreme court, and all state offices voted upon throughout the state, except that of governor, two hundred words; president and vice president, United States senator, United States representative, and governor, three hundred words.
(2) Arguments written by committees under RCW 29A.32.060 may not exceed two hundred fifty words in length.
(3) Rebuttal arguments written by committees may not exceed seventy-five words in length.
(4) The secretary of state or county auditor shall allocate space in the pamphlet based on the number of candidates or nominees for each office.
Sec. 9. RCW 29A.32.210 and 2020 c 337 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
Before any primary or general election, or any special election held under RCW 29A.04.321 or 29A.04.330, each county auditor shall print and distribute a local voters' pamphlet. The pamphlet shall provide information on all measures and candidates within that ((jurisdiction))county. The format of any local voters' pamphlet shall, whenever applicable, comply with the provisions of this chapter regarding the publication of the state candidates' and voters' pamphlets.
Sec. 10. RCW 29A.32.220 and 2003 c 111 s 814 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Not later than ninety days before the publication and distribution of a local voters' pamphlet by a county, the county auditor shall notify each city, town, or special taxing district located ((wholly)) within that county that a pamphlet will be produced.
(2) ((If a))All voters' ((pamphlet is))pamphlets published by the county ((for a primary or general election, the pamphlet shall be published for))per RCW 29A.32.210 must include the elective offices and ballot measures of the county and ((for)) the elective offices and ballot measures of each unit of local government located ((entirely)) within the county which will appear on the ballot at that primary or election. ((However, the offices and measures of a first-class or code city shall not be included in the pamphlet if the city publishes and distributes its own voters' pamphlet for the primary or election for its offices and measures. The offices and measures of any other town or city are not required to appear in the county's pamphlet if the town or city is obligated by ordinance or charter to publish and distribute a voters' pamphlet for the primary or election for its offices and measures and it does so.))
If the required appearance in a county's voters' pamphlet of the offices or measures of a unit of local government would create undue financial hardship for the unit of government, the legislative authority of the unit may petition the legislative authority of the county to waive this requirement. The legislative authority of the county may provide such a waiver if it does so not later than sixty days before the publication of the pamphlet and it finds that the requirement would create such hardship.
(3) If a city, town, or district is located within more than one county, ((the respective county auditors may enter into an interlocal agreement to permit the distribution of each county's local voters' pamphlet into those parts of the city, town, or district located outside of that county))all appropriate information for that jurisdiction must appear in the local voters' pamphlet for each of the counties containing the jurisdiction. Arguments, candidate statements, and photographs must be submitted to the county auditor of the county that accepted any resolutions or candidate filings for that jurisdiction. The auditor that receives this information shall provide it to the other county auditors after reviewing and accepting the submissions.
(4) ((If a first-class or code city authorizes the production and distribution of a local voters' pamphlet, the city clerk of that city shall notify any special taxing district located wholly within that city that a pamphlet will be produced. Notification shall be provided in the manner required or provided for in subsection (1) of this section.
(5))) A unit of local government located within a county and the county may enter into an interlocal agreement for the publication of a voters' pamphlet for offices or measures not required by subsection (2) of this section to appear in a county's pamphlet.
Sec. 11. RCW 29A.32.230 and 2003 c 111 s 815 are each amended to read as follows:
((The))(1) The secretary of state in consultation with county ((auditor or, if applicable, the city clerk of a first-class or code city))auditors shall((, in consultation with the participating jurisdictions,)) adopt ((and publish)) administrative rules necessary to facilitate ((the provisions of any ordinance authorizing)) production of a local voters' pamphlet. ((Any amendment to such a rule shall also be adopted and published. Copies of the rules shall identify the date they were adopted or last amended and shall be made available to any person upon request. One copy of the rules adopted by a county auditor and one copy of any amended rules shall be submitted to the county legislative authority. One copy of the rules adopted by a city clerk and one copy of any amended rules shall be submitted to the city legislative authority.)) These rules shall include but not be limited to the following:
(((1) Deadlines for decisions by cities, towns, or special taxing districts on being included in the pamphlet;
(2)))(a) Limits on the length and deadlines for submission of arguments for and against each measure;
(((3)))(b) The basis for rejection of any explanatory or candidates' statement or argument deemed to be ((libelous or otherwise inappropriate))noncompliant with this section or administrative rules adopted in accordance with this section. Candidate statements must adhere to the following:
(i) Any statements by a candidate shall be limited to ((those)):
(A) Those about the candidate himself or herself;
(B) Plans and goals for the future of the jurisdiction;
(C) Directions on where to find more information about the candidate.
(ii) Candidate statements may not:
(A) Ask for contributions;
(B) Make commercial solicitations; or
(C) Make obscene or otherwise inappropriate comments;
(((4)))(c) Limits on the length and deadlines for submission of candidates' statements;
(((5)))(d) An appeal process in the case of the rejection of any statement or argument;
(e) Standards related to acceptable candidate photographs; and
(f) Standards related to statements for and against any measure.
(2) The county auditor shall adopt and publish local administrative rules necessary to facilitate production of a local voters' pamphlet. Any amendment to such a rule shall also be adopted and published. Copies of the rules must identify the date they were adopted or last amended and must be made available to any person upon request.
Sec. 12. RCW 29A.32.241 and 2020 c 208 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The local voters' pamphlet shall include but not be limited to the following:
(a) Appearing on the cover, the words "official local voters' pamphlet," the name of the jurisdiction producing the pamphlet, and the date of the election or primary;
(b) A list of jurisdictions that have measures or candidates in the pamphlet;
(c) Information on how a person may register to vote and obtain a ballot;
(d) Candidate statements and photographs;
(e) The text of each measure accompanied by an explanatory statement prepared by the prosecuting attorney for any county measure or by the attorney for the jurisdiction submitting the measure if other than a county measure. All explanatory statements for city, town, or district measures not approved by the attorney for the jurisdiction submitting the measure shall be reviewed and approved by the county prosecuting attorney or city attorney, when applicable, before inclusion in the pamphlet;
(((e)))(f) The arguments for and against each measure submitted by committees selected pursuant to RCW 29A.32.280; and
(((f)))(g) A list of all student engagement hubs in the county as designated under RCW 29A.40.180((; and
(g) For partisan primary elections, information on how to vote the applicable ballot format and an explanation that minor political party candidates and independent candidates will appear only on the general election ballot)).
(2) The county auditor's name may not appear in the local voters' pamphlet in his or her official capacity if the county auditor is a candidate for office during the same year. His or her name may only be included as part of the information normally included for candidates.
Sec. 13. RCW 29A.32.250 and 2003 c 111 s 817 are each amended to read as follows:
((If the legislative authority of a county or first-class or code city provides for the inclusion of candidates in the local voters' pamphlet, the pamphlet))Local voters' pamphlets shall include ((the))candidate statements ((from candidates and may also include))that have been accepted by the county auditor and those candidates' photographs.
Sec. 14. RCW 29A.32.260 and 2011 c 10 s 30 are each amended to read as follows:
As soon as practicable before the primary, special election, or general election, the county auditor((, or if applicable, the city clerk of a first-class or code city, as appropriate,)) shall mail the local voters' pamphlet to every residence in each jurisdiction ((that has included information))within the county for all jurisdictions participating in the associated primary or election for which election information is included in the pamphlet, as well as to the ballot mailing address of every service or overseas voter registered in the jurisdiction who has requested a voters' pamphlet. The county auditor ((or city clerk, as appropriate,)) may choose to mail the pamphlet to each registered voter in each jurisdiction that has ((included information in the pamphlet))a primary or election, if in his or her judgment, a more economical and effective distribution of the pamphlet would result. A local voters' pamphlet mailed to a service or overseas voter under this section must be accompanied by the state voters' pamphlet, if one has been printed, and must be sent at the same time as the ballot or as soon as practicable thereafter.
Sec. 15. RCW 29A.32.280 and 2015 c 146 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
For each measure from a unit of local government ((that is)) included in a local voters' pamphlet, the legislative authority of that jurisdiction shall, not later than the resolution deadline, formally appoint a committee to prepare arguments advocating voters' approval of the measure and shall formally appoint a committee to prepare arguments advocating voters' rejection of the measure. The authority shall appoint persons that reside within the jurisdictional boundaries known to favor the measure to serve on the committee advocating approval and shall, whenever possible, appoint persons known to oppose the measure to serve on the committee advocating rejection, these committee members must reside within the jurisdictional boundaries. Each committee shall have not more than three members, however, a committee may seek the advice of any person or persons. If the legislative authority of a unit of local government fails to make such appointments by the prescribed deadline, the county auditor shall ((whenever possible make the appointments))issue a media release and publish information on their election website announcing the opportunity to form committees and provide statements. If the legislative authority fails to make appointments, the auditor shall make appointments on a first-come, first-served basis if qualified committee members contact the auditor by the appropriate deadline. If no statement is produced the auditor shall include a statement in the pamphlet stating that the district failed to make appointments and there are no statements for that measure.
Sec. 16. RCW 29A.40.020 and 2011 c 10 s 36 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A request for a ballot from an overseas voter or service voter must include the address of the last residence in the state of Washington.
(2) An overseas or service voter may also request that the county auditor mail the voter a local voters' pamphlet and a state voters' pamphlet, if such pamphlets have been printed for the election.
(3) No person, organization, or association may distribute any ballot materials that contain a return address other than that of the appropriate county auditor.
Sec. 17. RCW 29A.72.025 and 2009 c 415 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
The office of financial management, in consultation with the secretary of state, the attorney general, and any other appropriate state or local agency, shall prepare a fiscal impact statement for each of the following state ballot measures: (1) An initiative to the people that is certified to the ballot; (2) an initiative to the legislature that will appear on the ballot; (3) an alternative measure appearing on the ballot that the legislature proposes to an initiative to the legislature; (4) a referendum bill referred to voters by the legislature; and (5) a referendum measure appearing on the ballot. Fiscal impact statements must be written in clear and concise language, avoid legal and technical terms when possible, and be filed with the secretary of state no later than the ((tenth))15th day of ((August))July. Fiscal impact statements may include easily understood graphics.
A fiscal impact statement must describe any projected increase or decrease in revenues, costs, expenditures, or indebtedness that the state or local governments will experience if the ballot measure were approved by state voters. Where appropriate, a fiscal impact statement may include both estimated dollar amounts and a description placing the estimated dollar amounts into context. A fiscal impact statement must include both a summary of not to exceed one hundred words and a more detailed statement that includes the assumptions that were made to develop the fiscal impacts.
Fiscal impact statements must be available online from the secretary of state's website and included in the state voters' pamphlet. Additional information may be posted on the website of the office of financial management.
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 18. A new section is added to chapter 29A.32 RCW to read as follows:
(1) The office of financial management, in consultation with the secretary of state, the attorney general, and any other appropriate state or local agency, shall prepare a fiscal impact statement for each measure for an advisory vote of the people. Fiscal impact statements must be written in clear and concise language, avoid legal and technical terms when possible, and be filed with the secretary of state no later than the 15th day of July. Fiscal impact statements may include easily understood graphics.
(2) A fiscal impact statement must describe any projected increase or decrease in revenues, costs, expenditures, or indebtedness that the state or local governments will experience. Where appropriate, a fiscal impact statement may include both estimated dollar amounts and a description placing the estimated dollar amounts into context. A fiscal impact statement must include a summary not to exceed 100 words, and a more detailed statement that includes the assumptions that were made to develop the fiscal impacts.
(3) Fiscal impact statements must be available online from the secretary of state's website and included in the state voters' pamphlet. Additional information may be posted on the website of the office of financial management.
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 19. This act takes effect January 1, 2022."
EHB 1453 - S AMD 539
By Senator Kuderer
On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "pamphlets;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 29A.32.010, 29A.32.020, 29A.32.031, 29A.32.060, 29A.32.070, 29A.32.090, 29A.32.110, 29A.32.121, 29A.32.210, 29A.32.220, 29A.32.230, 29A.32.241, 29A.32.250, 29A.32.260, 29A.32.280, 29A.40.020, and 29A.72.025; adding a new section to chapter 29A.32 RCW; and providing an effective date."
EFFECT: (1) Requires mailing state and local voters' pamphlets to service and overseas voters upon request.
(2) Removes requirement that legislator names, contact, and voting information appear in the voters' pamphlet for advisory votes.
(3) Requires that a reference to the legislative website appear in the voters' pamphlet for advisory votes.
(4) Removes language limiting candidate statements in voters' pamphlets to plans for the jurisdiction and directions on how to find information about the candidate.
(5) Requires that a fiscal impact statement appear in the voters' pamphlet for all legislation passed increasing state revenues.
(6) Requires that a pie chart showing operating budget expenditures for the most recent biennium appear in the voters' pamphlet.
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