Beginning on page 1, at the beginning of line 23, strike all material through "a" on page 3, line 8 and insert "((require the provision of off-street parking for accessory dwelling units within one-quarter mile of a major transit stop))prohibit the construction of accessory dwelling units on residentially zoned lots within urban growth areas.
(2) When regulating accessory dwelling units within urban growth areas, cities and counties may:
(a) Require that public health, safety, building code, and environmental permitting requirements, including regulations to protect ground and surface waters from on-site wastewater, that would be applicable to the principal unit are met prior to the construction of an accessory dwelling unit;
(b) Prohibit the construction of accessory dwelling units on a lot that is not connected to or served by public sewers;
(c) Limit or prohibit the construction of accessory dwelling units in residential zones with a density of one dwelling unit per acre or less within areas designated as wetlands, fish and wildlife habitats, flood plains, or geologically hazardous areas;
(d) Impose any impact fees on the construction or development of an accessory dwelling unit that are less than the impact fees that would be imposed on a similarly sized principal unit.
(3) When regulating accessory dwelling units within urban growth areas, cities and counties may not:
(a) Impose a maximum floor area limit on the size of an accessory dwelling unit of less than:
(i) Eight hundred fifty square feet for an accessory dwelling unit on a lot with a total square footage of less than 4,500 square feet; or
(ii) One thousand three hundred fifty square feet combined between attached and detached accessory dwelling units on a lot with a total square footage of more than 4,500 square feet, except that an attached accessory dwelling unit may be limited to half of the square footage of the principal unit;
(b) Impose a limit on accessory dwelling units of fewer than one attached and one detached accessory dwelling unit on a lot zoned for residential use with a total square footage of more than 4,500 square feet, unless the lot is otherwise zoned to allow at least two dwelling units in which case at least one attached or detached accessory dwelling unit must be allowed;
(c) Impose any prohibition of the sale or other conveyance of a condominium unit independently of a principal unit that is based solely on the grounds that the condominium unit was originally built as an accessory dwelling unit, provided that the condominium unit is or will be served by utilities that are independent of the principal unit;
(d) Impose any owner occupancy requirements on any housing or dwelling unit on a lot containing an accessory dwelling unit unless the:
(i) Accessory dwelling unit on the lot is offered or used for short-term rental as defined in RCW 36.70A.696; or (ii) The city or county administers a general program offering the waiver or reduction of impact fees and costs associated with accessory dwelling unit construction, if the units are offered at or below 80 percent of the area median income;
(e) Apply other development regulations to the construction of accessory dwelling units that are more restrictive than regulations on single-family or other residential developments.
(((2)))(4) A"