| $11,036,000 | Prior Biennia (Expenditures) | . . . . | $0 |
Future Biennia (Projected Costs) | . . . . | $48,000,000 |
TOTAL | . . . . | (($60,000,000)) |
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
SSB 5083 - S AMD 499
By Senator Rolfes
ADOPTED 03/30/2021
On page 1, line 6 of the title, after "1014," insert "1032,"
EFFECT: Moves $964,000 for the Central Stage Theatre of County Kitsap (Silverdale) from the 2019-21 Building For the Arts to the 2022 Local and Community Projects.
FISCAL IMPACT: No net change.
--- END ---