Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
Sec. 1. "RCW
19.94.010 and 2019 c 96 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter and to any rules adopted pursuant to this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(a) "City" means a first-class city or a code city, as defined in RCW
35A.01.035, with a population of over fifty thousand persons.
(b) "City sealer" means the person duly authorized by a city to enforce and administer the weights and measures program within such city and any duly appointed deputy sealer acting under the instructions and at the direction of the city sealer.
(c) "Commodity in package form" means a commodity put up or packaged in any manner in advance of sale in units suitable for either wholesale or retail sale, exclusive, however, of an auxiliary shipping container enclosing packages that individually conform to the requirements of this chapter. An individual item or lot of any commodity not in packaged form, but on which there is marked a selling price based on established price per unit of weight or of measure, shall be construed to be a commodity in package form.
(d) "Consumer package" or "package of consumer commodity" means a commodity in package form that is customarily produced or distributed for sale through retail sales agencies or instrumentalities for consumption by persons, or used by persons for the purpose of personal care or in the performance of services ordinarily rendered in or about a household or in connection with personal possessions.
(e) "Cord" means the measurement of wood intended for fuel or pulp purposes that is contained in a space of one hundred twenty-eight cubic feet, when the wood is ranked and well stowed.
(f) "Department" means the department of agriculture of the state of Washington.
(g) "Director" means the director of the department or duly authorized representative acting under the instructions and at the direction of the director.
(h) "Fish" means any waterbreathing animal, including shellfish, such as, but not limited to, lobster, clam, crab, or other mollusca that is prepared, processed, sold, or intended for sale.
(i) "Net weight" means the weight of a commodity excluding any materials, substances, or items not considered to be part of such commodity. Materials, substances, or items not considered to be part of a commodity shall include, but are not limited to, containers, conveyances, bags, wrappers, packaging materials, labels, individual piece coverings, decorative accompaniments, and coupons.
(j) "Nonconsumer package" or "package of nonconsumer commodity" means a commodity in package form other than a consumer package and particularly a package designed solely for industrial or institutional use or for wholesale distribution only.
(k) "Meat" means and shall include all animal flesh, carcasses, or parts of animals, and shall also include fish, shellfish, game, poultry, and meat food products of every kind and character, whether fresh, frozen, cooked, cured, or processed.
(l) "Official seal of approval" means the seal or certificate issued by the director or city sealer which indicates that a secondary weights and measures standard or a weighing or measuring instrument or device conforms with the specifications, tolerances, and other technical requirements adopted in RCW
(m) "Person" means any individual, receiver, administrator, executor, assignee, trustee in bankruptcy, trust, estate, firm, copartnership, joint venture, club, company, business trust, corporation, association, society, or any group of individuals acting as a unit, whether mutual, cooperative, fraternal, nonprofit, or otherwise.
(n) "Poultry" means all fowl, domestic or wild, that is prepared, processed, sold, or intended or offered for sale.
(o) "Service agent" means a person who for hire, award, commission, or any other payment of any kind, installs, tests, inspects, checks, adjusts, repairs, reconditions, or systematically standardizes the graduations of a weighing or measuring instrument or device.
(p) "Ton" means a unit of two thousand pounds avoirdupois weight.
(q) "Weighing or measuring instrument or device" means any equipment or apparatus used commercially to establish the size, quantity, capacity, count, extent, area, heaviness, or measurement of quantities, things, produce, or articles for distribution or consumption, that are purchased, offered or submitted for sale, hire, or award on the basis of weight, measure or count, including any accessory attached to or used in connection with a weighing or measuring instrument or device when such accessory is so designed or installed that its operation affects, or may effect, the accuracy or indication of the device. This definition shall be strictly limited to those weighing or measuring instruments or devices governed by Handbook 44 as adopted under RCW
(r) "Weight" means net weight as defined in this section.
(s) "Weights and measures" means the recognized standards or units of measure used to indicate the size, quantity, capacity, count, extent, area, heaviness, or measurement of any consumable commodity.
(t) "Secondary weights and measures standard" means the physical standards that are traceable to the primary standards through comparisons, used by the director, a city sealer, or a service agent that under specified conditions defines or represents a recognized weight or measure during the inspection, adjustment, testing, or systematic standardization of the graduations of any weighing or measuring instrument or device.
(u) "Charging session" means an event starting when a user or a vehicle initiates a refueling event and stops when a user or a vehicle ends a refueling event.
(v) "Clearly marked" means, at a minimum, a sign, sticker, plaque, or any other visible marker that is readable, which may include standards from the Americans with disabilities act of 1990, 2010 standards for accessible design.
(w) "Common interest community" has the same meaning as defined in RCW 64.90.010. (x) "Direct current fast charger" means electric vehicle supply equipment capable of supplying direct current electricity to a vehicle fitted with the appropriate connection to support refueling the vehicle's energy storage battery.
(y) "Electric vehicle service provider" means the entity responsible for operating one or more networked or nonnetworked electric vehicle supply equipment. Operating includes, but is not limited to: Sending commands or messages to a networked electric vehicle supply equipment; receiving commands or messages from a networked electric vehicle supply equipment; or providing billing, maintenance, reservations, or other services to a nonnetworked or networked electric vehicle supply equipment. An electric vehicle service provider may designate another entity to act as the electric vehicle service provider for purposes of this chapter. A state agency, an electric utility as defined in RCW 19.405.020, or a municipal corporation as defined in RCW 39.69.010 is considered an electric vehicle service provider when responsible for operating one or more networked or nonnetworked electric vehicle supply equipment. (z) "Electric vehicle supply equipment" means the unit controlling the power supply to one or more vehicles during a charging session including, but not limited to, level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment and direct current fast chargers.
(aa) "Installed" means operational and made available for a charging session.
(bb) "Kiosk" means a stand-alone physical unit that allows users to pay for and initiate a charging session at one or more electric vehicle supply equipment located at the same site as the kiosk.
(cc) "Level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment" means electric vehicle supply equipment capable of supplying 208 to 240 volt alternating current.
(dd) "Networked electric vehicle supply equipment" means electric vehicle supply equipment capable of receiving and sending commands or messages remotely from an electric vehicle service provider.
(ee) "Nonnetworked electric vehicle supply equipment" means electric vehicle supply equipment incapable of receiving and sending commands or messages remotely from an electric vehicle service provider, including electric vehicle supply equipment with remote communication capabilities that have been disabled or electric vehicle supply equipment with secondary systems that provide remote communication capabilities that have been installed.
(ff) "Publicly available electric vehicle supply equipment" means electric vehicle supply equipment and associated parking space or spaces designated by a property owner or lessee to be available to, and accessible by, the public.
(2) The director shall prescribe by rule other definitions as may be necessary for the implementation of this chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter
19.94 RCW to read as follows:
(1) In addition to the definition of publicly available electric vehicle supply equipment provided in RCW
19.94.010 and except for the applicable exemptions in section 3 of this act, electric vehicle supply equipment is considered publicly available and is subject to the requirements of this chapter if:
(a) A lessee, electric vehicle service provider, or a property owner designates electric vehicle supply equipment to be available only to customers or visitors of a business or charging network;
(b) Any member of the public can obtain vehicular access to electric vehicle supply equipment and associated parking spaces located in a parking garage or gated facility for free or through payment of a fee; or
(c) The electric vehicle supply equipment and associated parking spaces are made available to the public for only limited time periods, then the electric vehicle supply equipment and associated parking spaces are considered publicly available electric vehicle supply equipment during those limited time periods only.
(2) The director may by rule subject additional types of electric vehicle supply equipment to the requirements of this chapter to benefit the public and provide protections to consumers.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. A new section is added to chapter
19.94 RCW to read as follows:
(1) Publicly available electric vehicle supply equipment is exempt from compliance with the requirements of sections 4 through 6 of this act if:
(a) Members of the public may use the electric vehicle supply equipment at no cost, including no charges, fees, memberships, minimum balance on an account, and other cost at all times; and
(b) It is clearly marked that the electric vehicle supply equipment is available for use at no cost at all times.
(2) This chapter does not apply to:
(a) Workplace electric vehicle supply equipment and its associated parking spaces if it is clearly marked and operated as available exclusively to employees or contracted drivers, regardless of the physical accessibility of the electric vehicle supply equipment to the public, and that is available for use at no cost;
(b) Electric vehicle supply equipment and associated parking spaces reserved exclusively and available for use at no cost for residents, tenants, visitors, or employees of a private residence or common interest community; or a residential building adjacent to a private residence;
(c) Level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment located on or near the curb of a residential electric utility customer's property, directly connected to that residential electric utility customer's meter, and intended to serve only that residential electric utility customer;
(d) Electric vehicle supply equipment and associated parking spaces provided by a vehicle dealer licensed under chapter
46.70 RCW at its established place of business that meets the requirements of subsection (1) of this section.
(3) The director may by rule provide exemptions from compliance with some or all requirements of this chapter to benefit the public and provide protections to consumers, including electric vehicle supply equipment that is not available or intended for use by the public but where charges, fees, or other costs are required to initiate a charging session.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter
19.94 RCW to read as follows:
(1) By January 1, 2023, the electric vehicle service provider must ensure all publicly available electric vehicle supply equipment is clearly marked and discloses all charges, fees, and costs associated with a charging session at the point of sale and prior to a user or a vehicle initiating a charging session. At a minimum, the electric vehicle service provider must disclose to the user the following information at the point of sale, if applicable:
(a) A fee for use of the parking space;
(b) A nonmember plug-in fee from the electric vehicle service provider;
(c) Price to refuel in United States dollars per kilowatt-hour or megajoule;
(d) Any potential changes in the price to refuel, in United States dollars per kilowatt-hour or megajoule, due to variable pricing; and
(e) Any other fees charged for a charging session.
(2) If the charging session or portion of a charging session is offered at no cost, it must be disclosed at the location where the charging session is initiated and prior to a user or a vehicle initiating a charging session.
(3) For the purpose of this section, "point of sale" means the location where the charging session and associated commercial transaction is initiated including, but not limited to, electric vehicle supply equipment or kiosk used to service that electric vehicle supply equipment.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter
19.94 RCW to read as follows:
(1) By July 1, 2022, the department, in consultation with the department of commerce and the Washington utilities and transportation commission, must adopt rules requiring all electric vehicle service providers make available multiple payment methods at all publicly available level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment or direct current fast charger electric vehicle supply equipment installed in Washington and may review and, if necessary, amend the rules every two years, to maintain consistency with evolving technology. At a minimum, the rules must include:
(a) Deadlines for electric vehicle service provider compliance for publicly available level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment and direct current fast charger electric vehicle supply equipment installed prior to a specific date;
(b) Deadlines for electric vehicle service provider compliance for publicly available level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment and direct current fast charger electric vehicle supply equipment installed on or after a specific date;
(c) Minimum required payment methods that are convenient and reasonably support access for all current and future users at publicly available level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment or direct current fast charger electric vehicle supply equipment installed in Washington. Payment methods may include, but are not limited to:
(i) A credit card reader device physically located on either the electric vehicle supply equipment unit or a kiosk used to service that electric vehicle supply equipment;
(ii) A toll-free number on each electric vehicle supply equipment and kiosk used to service that electric vehicle supply equipment that provides the user with the option to initiate a charging session and submit payment at any time that the electric vehicle supply equipment is operational and publicly available;
(iii) A mobile payment option used to initiate a charging session;
(d) Means for conducting a charging session in languages other than English;
(e) Means for facilitating charging sessions for consumers who are unbanked, underbanked, or low-moderate income, such as accepting prepaid cards through a card reader device.
(2) The electric vehicle service provider may not require a subscription, membership, or account or a minimum balance on an account in order to initiate a charging session at electric vehicle supply equipment subject to this section.
(3) For the purpose of this section, "mobile payment" means an electronic fund transfer initiated through a mobile phone or device.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. A new section is added to chapter
19.94 RCW to read as follows:
(1) Interoperability standards provide safeguards to consumers and support access to electric vehicle supply equipment. In order for Washington to have reliable, accessible, and competitive markets for electric vehicle supply equipment that are necessary for the movement of goods and people by electric vehicles, interoperability standards that align with national and international best practices or standards are necessary.
(2) By July 1, 2022, the department, in consultation with the department of commerce and the Washington utilities and transportation commission, must adopt rules establishing requirements for all electric vehicle service providers to, at a minimum, meet and maintain nonproprietary interoperability standards for publicly available level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment and direct current fast charger electric vehicle supply equipment and may review and, if necessary, amend the rules every two years, to maintain consistency with evolving technology. The requirements shall not provide that any charging provider must purchase or license proprietary technology or software from any other company, and shall not require that companies maintain interoperability agreements with other companies.
(3) For the purpose of this section, "interoperability" means the ability of hardware, software, or a communications network provided by one party, vendor, or service provider to interact with or exchange and make use of information, including payment information, between hardware, software, or a communications network provided by a different party, vendor, or service provider.
(4) The requirements of this section shall not apply to publicly available electric vehicle supply equipment provided by a manufacturer of electric vehicles for the exclusive use by vehicles it manufactures.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. A new section is added to chapter
19.94 RCW to read as follows:
(1) This section applies to all electric vehicle service providers operating one or more publicly available level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment or direct current fast charger electric vehicle supply equipment installed in Washington. If an electric vehicle service provider also operates electric vehicle supply equipment that is not available to the public, the requirements of this section apply only to that electric vehicle service provider's publicly available level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment or direct current fast charger electric vehicle supply equipment installed in Washington.
(2) By January 1, 2023, electric vehicle service providers must report inventory and payment method information to the national renewable energy laboratory, alternative fuels data center. The information must be reported, at a minimum, annually and must include, but is not limited to:
(a) Electric vehicle service provider information;
(b) Electric vehicle supply equipment inventory for both active and retired, decommissioned, or removed electric vehicle supply equipment in Washington;
(c) Electric vehicle supply equipment payment method information.
Sec. 8. RCW
19.94.175 and 2019 c 96 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Pursuant to RCW
19.94.015, the following annual registration fees shall be charged for each weighing or measuring instrument or device used for commercial purposes in this state:
(a) | Weighing devices: |
(i) | Small scales "zero to four hundred pounds capacity" . . . . | $ | 16.00 |
(ii) | Intermediate scales "four hundred one pounds to five thousand pounds capacity" . . . . | $ | 60.00 |
(iii) | Large scales "over five thousand pounds capacity" . . . . | $ | 120.00 |
(iv) | Railroad track scales . . . . | $ | 1,200.00 |
(b) | Liquid fuel metering devices: |
(i) | Motor fuel meters with flows of twenty gallons or less per minute . . . . | $ | 16.00 |
(ii) | Motor fuel meters with flows of more than twenty but not more than one hundred fifty gallons per minute . . . . | $ | 50.00 |
(iii) | Motor fuel meters with flows over one hundred fifty gallons per minute . . . . | $ | 75.00 |
(c) | Liquid petroleum gas meters: |
(i) | With one inch diameter or smaller dispensers . . . . | $ | 40.00 |
(ii) | With greater than one inch diameter dispensers . . . . | $ | 80.00 |
(d) | Fabric meters . . . . | $ | 15.00 |
(e) | Cordage meters . . . . | $ | 15.00 |
(f) | Mass flow meters . . . . | $ | 300.00 |
(g) | Taxi meters . . . . | $ | 40.00 |
(h) | Level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment port . . . . | $ | 20.00 |
(i) | Direct current fast charger electric vehicle supply equipment port . . . . | $ | 40.00 |
Pursuant to RCW 19.94.015, a reasonable registration fee for electric vehicle supply equipment, in addition to the fees established in subsection (1) of this section, may be established through rule making to cover the remaining costs associated with enforcing this chapter on electric vehicle supply equipment. The department may consider differential fees to reduce the potential burden of the registration fee for electric vehicle service providers operating less than 25 publicly available electric vehicle supply equipment in Washington.(3) With the exception of subsection (((3)))(4) of this section, no person shall be required to pay more than the annual registration fee for any weighing or measuring instrument or device in any one year.
(((3)))(4) The department or a city sealer may establish reasonable inspection and testing fees for each type or class of weighing or measuring instrument or device specially requested to be inspected or tested by the device owner. These inspection and testing fees shall be limited to those amounts necessary for the department or city sealer to cover the direct costs associated with such inspection and testing. The fees shall not be set so as to compete with service agents normally engaged in such services.
(((4)))(5) The weights and measures advisory group within the department must review the fees in subsection (1) of this section and report to stakeholders on the financial status of the program supported by the fees by September 1, 2024, and September 1st every five years thereafter.
Sec. 9. RCW
19.94.190 and 2019 c 96 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The director and duly appointed city sealers must enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(2) The department's enforcement proceedings under this chapter are subject to the requirement to provide technical assistance in chapter
43.05 RCW and the administrative procedure act, chapter
34.05 RCW. City sealers undertaking enforcement actions must provide equivalent procedures.
(3) In assessing the amount of a civil penalty, the department or city must give due consideration to the gravity of the violation and history of previous violations.
(4) The director must adopt rules for enforcing and carrying out the purposes of this chapter including but not limited to the following:
(a) Establishing state standards of weight, measure, or count, and reasonable standards of fill for any commodity in package form;
(b) The establishment of technical test procedures to be followed, any necessary report and record forms, and marks of rejection to be used by the director and city sealers in the discharge of their official duties as required by this chapter;
(c) The establishment of technical test procedures, reporting procedures, and any necessary record and reporting forms to be used by service agents when testing and inspecting instruments or devices under RCW
19.94.255(3) or when otherwise installing, repairing, inspecting, or standardizing the graduations of any weighing or measuring instruments or devices;
(d) The establishment of exemptions from the marking or tagging requirements of RCW
19.94.250 with respect to weighing or measuring instruments or devices of such a character or size that the marking or tagging would be inappropriate, impracticable, or damaging to the apparatus in question;
(e) The establishment of exemptions from the inspection and testing requirements of RCW
19.94.163 with respect to classes of weighing or measuring instruments or devices found to be of such a character that periodic inspection and testing is unnecessary to ensure continued accuracy;
(f) The establishment of inspection and approval techniques, if any, to be used with respect to classes of weighing or measuring instruments or devices that are designed specifically to be used commercially only once and then discarded, or are uniformly mass-produced by means of a mold or die and are not individually adjustable;
(g) The establishment of inspection and testing procedures to be used for classes of weighing or measuring instruments or devices found to be few in number, highly complex, and of such character that differential or special inspection and testing is necessary, including railroad track scales. The department's procedures shall include requirements for the provision, maintenance, and transport of any weight or measure necessary for the inspection and testing at no expense to the state;
(h) Specifications, tolerances, and other technical requirements for commercial weighing and measuring instruments or devices that must be consistent with the most recent edition of the national institute of standards and technology handbook 44 except where modified to achieve state objectives; and
(i) Packaging, labeling, and method of sale of commodities that must be consistent with the most recent edition of the national institute of standards and technology handbook 44 and 130 (for legal metrology and engine fuel quality) except where modified to achieve state objectives.
(5) Rules adopted under this section must also include specifications and tolerances for the acceptable range of accuracy required of weighing or measuring instruments or devices and must be designed to eliminate from use, without prejudice to weighing or measuring instruments or devices that conform as closely as practicable to official specifications and tolerances, those that: (a) Are of such construction that they are faulty, that is, that are not reasonably permanent in their adjustment or will not repeat their indications correctly; or (b) facilitate the perpetration of fraud.
(6) Rules adopted by the director related to the sale of electricity sold as a vehicle fuel and electric vehicle fueling systems may be modified to achieve state objectives, reviewed, and, if necessary, amended, to maintain consistency with evolving technology. These rules may take effect no earlier than January 1, 2024. To ensure existing infrastructure may continue operating without substantial equipment replacement or alteration, electric vehicle supply equipment installed and placed into service before January 1, 2024, is exempt from the rules of this section until January 1, 2034. Electric vehicle supply equipment that is replaced or retrofitted with new hardware after January 1, 2024, must be considered as having been installed and placed into service after January 1, 2024.
Sec. 10. RCW
19.94.517 and 2019 c 96 s 19 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Whenever the department or a city sealer tests or inspects a weighing or measuring instrument or device and finds the instrument or device to be incorrect to the economic benefit of the owner/operator of the weighing or measuring instrument or device and to the economic detriment of the customer, the owner of the weighing or measuring instrument or device is subject to the following civil penalties:
Device deviations outside the tolerances stated in Handbook 44. |
| Penalty |
Small weighing or measuring instruments or devices: |
| First violation . . . . | $ | 200.00 |
| Second or subsequent violation within one year of first violation . . . . | $ | 500.00 |
Medium weighing or measuring instruments or devices: |
| First violation . . . . | $ | 400.00 |
| Second or subsequent violation within one year of first violation . . . . | $ | 1,000.00 |
Large weighing or measuring instruments or devices: |
| First violation . . . . | $ | 500.00 |
| Second or subsequent violation within one year of first violation . . . . | $ | 2,000.00 |
Electric vehicle fuel measuring instruments or devices: |
| First violation . . . . | $ | 200.00 |
| Second or subsequent violation within one year of first violation . . . . | $ | 500.00 |
(2) For the purposes of this section:
(a) The following are small weighing or measuring instruments or devices: Scales of zero to four hundred pounds capacity, liquid fuel metering devices with flows of not more than twenty gallons per minute, liquid petroleum gas meters with one inch in diameter or smaller dispensers, fabric meters, cordage meters, and taxi meters.
(b) The following are medium weighing or measuring instruments or devices: Scales of four hundred one to five thousand pounds capacity, liquid fuel metering devices with flows of more than twenty but not more than one hundred fifty gallons per minute, and mass flow meters.
(c) The following are large weighing or measuring instruments or devices: Liquid petroleum gas meters with greater than one inch diameter dispensers, liquid fuel metering devices with flows over one hundred fifty gallons per minute, and scales of more than five thousand pounds capacity and scales of more than five thousand pounds capacity with supplemental devices.
(3) The weighing or measuring instrument or device owner may appeal the civil penalty.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. A new section is added to chapter
19.94 RCW to read as follows:
(1) An electric vehicle service provider that fails to meet the requirements established under sections 4 through 6 of this act, or any rule adopted pursuant to the authority granted to the department under sections 4 through 6 of this act, is subject to a civil penalty of $200 per electric vehicle supply equipment for the first violation and $500 per electric vehicle supply equipment for each subsequent violation within one year of the first violation.
(2) Moneys collected under this section must first be used to cover the department's costs to enforce this section. Any remaining moneys must be deposited into the electric vehicle account created in RCW
Sec. 12. RCW
46.08.185 and 2013 c 60 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((
Publicly available electric vehicle ((
charging station))
supply equipment must be indicated by vertical signage identifying the station as ((
publicly available electric vehicle ((
charging station))
supply equipment and indicating that it is only for electric vehicle charging. The signage must be consistent with the manual on uniform traffic control devices, as adopted by the department of transportation under RCW
47.36.030, and contain the information required in section 4 of this act. ((
Additionally, the electric vehicle charging station must be indicated by green pavement markings.)) Supplementary signage may be posted to provide additional information including, but not limited to, the amount of the monetary penalty under subsection (2) of this section for parking in the station while not connected to the charging equipment.
(2) It is a parking infraction, with a monetary penalty of one hundred twenty-four dollars, for any person to park a vehicle in ((
an electric vehicle charging station provided on public or private property))
a parking space served by publicly available electric vehicle supply equipment if the vehicle is not connected to the charging equipment. The parking infraction must be processed as prescribed under RCW
46.16A.120, and
(3) For purposes of this section, "
publicly available electric vehicle ((
charging station" means a public or private parking space that is served by charging equipment that has as its primary purpose the transfer of electric energy to a battery or other energy storage device in an electric vehicle))
supply equipment" has the same meaning as provided in RCW 19.94.010 and described in sections 2 and 3 of this act.
Sec. 13. RCW
19.28.211 and 2013 c 23 s 33 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The department shall issue a certificate of competency to all applicants who have passed the examination provided in RCW
19.28.201, met the in-class education requirements of RCW
19.28.205 if applicable, and who have complied with RCW
19.28.161 through
19.28.271 and the rules adopted under this chapter. The certificate may include a photograph of the holder. The certificate shall bear the date of issuance, and shall expire on the holder's birthday. The certificate shall be renewed every three years, upon application, on or before the holder's birthdate. A fee shall be assessed for each certificate and for each annual renewal.
(2) If the certificate holder demonstrates to the department that he or she has satisfactorily completed an annual eight-hour continuing education course, the certificate may be renewed without examination by appropriate application unless the certificate has been revoked, suspended, or not renewed within ninety days after the expiration date. For pump and irrigation or domestic pump specialty electricians, the continuing education course may combine both electrical and plumbing education provided that there is a minimum of four hours of electrical training in the course.
(a) The contents and requirements for satisfactory completion of the continuing education course shall be determined by the director and approved by the board.
(b) The department shall accept proof of a certificate holder's satisfactory completion of a continuing education course offered in another state as meeting the requirements for maintaining a current Washington state certificate of competency if the department is satisfied the course is comparable in nature to that required in Washington state for maintaining a current certificate of competency.
(3) If the certificate is not renewed before the expiration date, the individual shall pay twice the usual fee. The department shall set the fees by rule for issuance and renewal of a certificate of competency. The fees shall cover but not exceed the costs of issuing the certificates and of administering and enforcing the electrician certification requirements of this chapter.
(4) ((The))Except for electric vehicle infrastructure training program certification requirements specified in section 14 of this act, the certificates of competency and temporary permits provided for in this chapter grant the holder the right to work in the electrical construction trade as a master electrician, journey level electrician, or specialty electrician in accordance with their provisions throughout the state and within any of its political subdivisions without additional proof of competency or any other license, permit, or fee to engage in such work.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 14. A new section is added to chapter
19.28 RCW to read as follows:
(1) The legislature finds that consistent training standards for installers of electric vehicle supply equipment is necessary to ensure interoperability, consumer access, and reliability of electric vehicle supply equipment.
(2) Effective July 1, 2023, all electric vehicle supply equipment intended to be available for public use and located on the customer side of the electric utility service point as defined in the 2020 national electrical code must be installed by appropriately licensed electrical contractors and appropriately certified electricians meeting the following qualifications:
(a) On each jobsite where such electric vehicle supply equipment is being installed or maintained, at least one appropriately certified electrician must be present, at any given time, who holds an electric vehicle infrastructure training program certification as specified by rule of the department; and
(b) On each jobsite where such electric vehicle supply equipment includes one or more charging ports intended for supplying 25 kilowatts or more to a vehicle are being installed, at least 25 percent of the total certified electricians present on the jobsite at any given time must hold an electric vehicle infrastructure training program certification as specified by rule of the department.
(3) Exemptions from electrical contractor licensing and electrician certification laws in this chapter do not apply to work described in this section.
(4) Subsection (2) of this section does not apply to electric vehicle charging infrastructure and electric vehicle supply equipment that are subject to any agreements or contracts with any public agency entered into prior to January 1, 2022, even if it is funded or authorized after January 1, 2022.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 15. A new section is added to chapter
19.94 RCW to read as follows:
If an electric vehicle service provider sells or intends to sell consumer data collected during or associated with a charging session, the electric vehicle service provider shall disclose all types of data collected to the consumer.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 16. Section 15 of this act takes effect only if chapter . . . (Substitute Senate Bill No. 5062), Laws of 2021 is not enacted by June 30, 2021."
Requires, that a certified electrician who holds an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program certification must be present at each jobsite.
Specifies if the installation involves more than one charging port intended for supplying twenty-five kilowatts to a vehicle, at least twenty-five percent of the total certified electricians present on the jobsite at any given time must hold an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program certification.
Provides that the electrical licensure and certification requirements for EVSE installation work provided in this act do not apply to EVSE under contract with a public agency prior to January 1, 2022.
Clarifies the vehicle dealer exemption requires that the EVSE be available at all times at no cost and be clearly marked as such.