5226-S AMS CLEV S1992.1
SSB 5226 - S AMD TO S AMD (S-1923.2/21) 452
By Senator Cleveland
ADOPTED 03/08/2021
On page 8, beginning on line 23, after "infraction." strike all material through "individual." on line 27 and insert "If the person does not have the ability to pay the monetary obligation in full, the person has not previously been granted a payment plan for the same monetary obligation, and the court has not authorized its collections agency to take civil legal enforcement action, the court shall enter into a payment plan with the individual. Where the court has authorized its collections agency to take civil legal enforcement action, the court may, at its discretion, enter into a payment plan."
On page 9, line 8, after "than" strike "120" and insert "90"
On page 9, line 30, after "(8)" insert "The court may require a person who fails to make payment as required under a payment plan to appear and provide evidence of ability to pay.
On page 10, line 1, after "at a" strike "requested" and insert "((requested))"
On page 11, line 4, after "at a" strike "requested" and insert "((requested))"
On page 17, at the beginning of line 37, strike "requested" and insert "((requested))"
On page 22, line 10, after "at a" strike "requested" and insert "((requested))"
EFFECT: Provides the court is not required to enter into a payment plan with an individual if the court has already referred the matter for enforcement action by a collections agency; decreases the time period from 120 days to 90 days from the date of the infraction before the court can refer an obligation to a collections agency; authorizes the court to require a person who fails to pay under a payment plan to appear for a hearing and provide evidence of inability to pay; authorizes driver's license suspension for an individual who fails to appear at a hearing for a moving violation.
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