5235-S AMS SHOR S1451.2
SSB 5235 - S AMD 128
By Senator Short
ADOPTED 02/24/2021
On page 3, line 3, after "(b)" strike "Cities" and insert "(i) For any housing subdivision permitted after the effective date of this section, cities"
On page 3, after line 6, insert the following:
(ii) For any housing subdivision subject to owner-occupancy regulations in existence as of the effective date of this section or any new construction within a housing subdivision in existence as of the effective date of this section, cities and counties must adopt or amend by ordinance, and incorporate into their development regulations, zoning regulations, and other official controls the requirements of RCW 36.70A.698(2) to take effect by July 1, 2024.(iii) For any housing subdivision within a residential zoning designation of R-8 or higher and subject to owner-occupancy regulations in existence as of the effective date of this section, cities and counties must adopt or amend by ordinance, and incorporate into their development regulations, zoning regulations, and other official controls the requirements of RCW 36.70A.698(2) to take effect by July 1, 2025."
On page 3, line 14, after "(b)" strike "Beginning July 1, 2022" and insert "Pursuant to and in accordance with the applicable deadlines under subsection (1)(b) of this section"
EFFECT: Provides an implementation timeline for GMA cities and counties, as applied to certain housing subdivisions, to adopt or amend ordinances to prohibit owner-occupancy requirements for housing units on the same lot as an accessory dwelling unit.
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