5237-S2 AMS BRAU S1965.1
2SSB 5237 - S AMD 435
By Senator Braun
ADOPTED 03/06/2021
On page 6, beginning on line 11, strike all of subsection (3)
On page 21, beginning on line 22, strike all of subsection (4)
On page 23, beginning on line 17, strike all of subsection (4)
On page 30, beginning on line 14, after "(3)" strike all material through "section." on line 17 and insert "The department must adopt rules to implement this section."
On page 51, after line 13, insert the following:
NEW SECTION. Sec. 601. Nothing in this act changes the department's responsibility to collectively bargain over mandatory subjects consistent with RCW 41.56.028(3) or limits the legislature's authority to make programmatic modifications to licensed child care and early learning programs consistent with legislative reservation of rights under RCW 41.56.028(4)(d). For RCW 43.216.749, the parties should bargain over the implementation of the subsidy rates and apply those rates consistent with that section and the agreement reached between the parties."Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
On page 51, line 32, after "404," strike "and 405" and insert "405, and 601"
EFFECT: (1) Removes provisions related to collective bargaining in certain sections--fair start for kids account, child care subsidy rates, dual language rate enhancement, and infant rate enhancement.
(2) Adds a new section that provides that nothing in this act changes the Department of Children, Youth, and Families' (DCYF) responsibility to collectively bargain over mandatory subjects consist with current law or limits the legislature's authority to make programmatic modifications consistent with legislative reservation of rights under current law. For the section addressing child care subsidy rates, the parties should bargain over the implementation of the subsidy rates and apply those rates consistent with that section and the agreement reached between the parties.
(3) Directs DCYF to adopt rules to implement infant rate enhancements.
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