5444-S AMS FORT S3023.1
SSB 5444 - S AMD 889
By Senator Fortunato
On page 4, line 2, after "driven;" strike "and"
On page 4, line 3, after "(iii)" insert "Any miles driven on private property, farmlands, outside the state of Washington, or any other nonpublic highway travel shall be excluded from the per mile charge by affidavit signed by the applicant;
(iv) The per mile funding system must be implemented by the department establishing an account for an individual to be able to make prepayments and monthly payments for an individual's respective per mile fee obligation; and
EFFECT: (1) Allows individuals to file an affidavit to exclude miles driven on private property, farmland, other nonhighway travel, and out of state from the per mile charges.
(2) Requires the establishment of individual accounts to allow the prepayment and monthly payment of the per mile fees.
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