5476 AMS BRAU S3018.2
SB 5476 - S AMD TO S AMD (S-2939.2/21) 900
By Senator Braun
ADOPTED 04/15/2021
Beginning on page 8, line 1, strike all material through "adults." on page 28, line 34
Renumber the remaining parts and sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
Beginning on page 36, line 13, strike all material through "
7.80 RCW." on page 41, line 5
Renumber the remaining part and sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
On page 41, line 8, after "Sec. 21." strike "Sections 5, 8, and 10 of this act expire" and insert "Section 5 of this act expires"
On page 41, line 10, after "Sec. 22." strike "Sections 6, 9, and 11 of this act take" and insert "Section 6 of this act takes"
On page 41, beginning on line 12, strike all of section 23
Renumber the remaining section consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
On page 41, line 29, after "5" strike ", 7, 8, 10,"
SB 5476 - S AMD TO S AMD (S-2939.2/21) 900
By Senator Braun
ADOPTED 04/15/2021
On page 42, beginning on line 7, after "69.41.030," strike "69.41.010,
69.50.101," and after "2.24.040," strike all material through "
71.24 RCW" on line 10 and insert "and
9.94A.728" and at the beginning of line 12, strike all material through "date;" on line 13 and insert "providing expiration dates;"
EFFECT: Strikes sections 7-11. Strikes sections 17-20, which are subject to a contingent effective date in 2023. Strikes section 23, which contains the contingent effective date.
--- END ---