By Senator Wilson, L.
On page 12, line 20, strike "$2,704,000" and insert "$3,004,000"
On page 12, line 26, strike "$4,224,000" and insert "$4,524,000"
On page 18, after line 21, insert the following:
"(12)(a) $300,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is for the joint transportation committee to conduct a study of the options and strategies to construct a third bridge over the Columbia river between southwest Washington and Oregon. The study must consider:
(i) Anticipated general purpose traffic demand, including general purpose traffic relief that may be afforded to existing highway routes by the creation of a third bridge;
(ii) Anticipated freight traffic demand, including freight traffic relief that may be afforded to existing highway routes by the creation of a third bridge;
(iii) A cost-benefit analysis of constructing a third bridge, which must include analysis on the estimated cost to construct a third bridge;
(iv) Potential locations for a third bridge across the Columbia river between southwest Washington and Oregon; and
(v) Preliminary design options for a third bridge.
(b) A final report must be submitted to the transportation committees of the legislature by June 30, 2023."