5693-S AMS MCCU S4952.1
SSB 5693 - S AMD 1216
By Senator McCune
NOT ADOPTED 02/25/2022
On page 460, line 35, decrease the General Fund—State Appropriation (FY 2023) by $10,996,000
Adjust the total appropriation accordingly.
On page 470, line 4, after "(40)" strike all material through "2022" on line 31 and insert "$3,404,000 of the general fund—state appropriation for fiscal year 2023 is provided solely for the department to reduce the number of commercial gillnet fishing licenses on the Columbia river through a voluntary buy-back program, for communication and outreach with the public, to improve salmon run assessment and monitoring, and to develop alternative commercial fishing gear"
EFFECT: Reduces the amount and replaces the language pertaining to the Columbia river gillnet license buy-back program.
EXPENDITURE EFFECT (2021-2023): ($10,996,000) Near General Fund—State/($10,996,000) Total Funds
FOUR-YEAR OUTLOOK EXPENDITURE EFFECT: ($10,996,000) Near General Fund—State
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