5693-S AMS WELL S4960.1
SSB 5693 - S AMD 1245
By Senator Wellman
WITHDRAWN 02/25/2022
On page 552, line 38, increase the General FundState Appropriation (FY 2022) by $979,500
On page 553, line 2, increase the General FundState Appropriation (FY 2023) by $979,500
Adjust the total appropriation accordingly.
On page 555, after line 2, insert the following:
"(12) Funding in this section is provided solely for each educational service district for the salary, benefits, and other related expenses associated with 1.0 FTE certificated instructional staff to provide regional professional development and technical assistance related to computer science courses, curriculum, and instructional strategies aligned with Washington state computer science learning standards."
EFFECT: Provides funding for 1.0 FTE at each educational service district to provide regional computer science coordination and professional development support.
EXPENDITURE EFFECT (2021-2023): $1,959,000 Near General FundState/$1,959,000 Total Funds
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