Fundamental Course of Study. The paraeducator fundamental course of study is a four-day course on the state paraeducator standards of practice. School districts must provide the fundamental course of study to paraeducators who have not completed the course, either in the district or in another district within the state, except that districts must provide only the number of days of the course for which state funding is specifically provided.
At least one day of the fundamental course of study must be provided in person. School districts must use best efforts to provide the course before the paraeducator begins to work with students and their families, and at a minimum by the following deadlines:
School districts must provide the first day of the fundamental course of study to paraeducators within 30 days of the date of hire and the remainder of the fundamental course of study within six months of the date of hire. The fundamental course of study must be provided in person, except that up to two days of the fundamental course of study may be provided as synchronous online instruction.