Medical, dental, vision, and related insurance benefits for all eligible school employees are provided by the School Employees' Benefits Board (SEBB). The SEBB is responsible for determining the terms of employee and dependent eligibility and enrollment policies, generally subject to the statewide condition that employees anticipated to work 630 hours per year or more qualify for coverage.
Medical, dental, vision, and related insurance benefits for all eligible state employees are provided by the Public Employees' Benefits Board (PEBB). Similar to the SEBB, the PEBB is responsible for determining eligibility and enrollment policies, subject to the condition that employees' work half time or more, generally 1,040 hours per year, to qualify for coverage.
Beginning with the 2022 plan year, dual coverage under the SEBB and the PEBB is prohibited for the same type of coverage, though individuals eligible for both programs may be able to choose some insurance benefits from the SEBB and others from the PEBB.
Beginning in the 2022 plan year, an employee eligible for both the PEBB and the SEBB health insurance coverage must choose coverage from the same program, rather than selecting some benefits from each program.
(In support) This is a clarification of the decision made last session to prohibit dual enrollment in the PEBB and SEBB programs. Without this, there would be hundreds of enrollment options, making it much more difficult to administer at the state and school district level. Dental benefits, for example, are largely the same benefits, but differ between the PEBB and the SEBB because of different risk pools and different premium calculation methods. There is little benefit in being able to choose between them.
(Opposed) None.
(Other) Before the SEBB was created, dual coverage was allowed in many school districts. The loss of dual coverage is a frequent complaint from the members of the Washington Education Association. The changes in this bill, however, are a clarification of the policy enacted last year.