School District Funds. School district accounting requirements organize and operate on a fund basis. Under current law, school districts must establish:
Capital Projects Fund. Money deposited into the capital projects fund includes, but is not limited to, bond proceeds, proceeds from excess levies, state apportionment proceeds authorized by the school board for school building purposes, earnings from capital projects fund investments, state forest revenues, rental and lease proceeds, and proceeds from the sale of real property.
Among other things, money deposited in the capital projects fund may be used for:
School districts must establish a depreciation subfund within their general fund to reserve funds for future facility and equipment needs. Up to 2 percent of a school district's general fund may be deposited into the depreciation subfund each fiscal year for emergency facility needs and preventative maintenance. No money from the depreciation subfund may be used for employee compensation.
Preventative maintenance must be necessary to realize the originally anticipated useful life of a building or facility, and includes: