Passed by the House April 15, 2021 Yeas 60 Nays 37
Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 11, 2021 Yeas 26 Nays 22
President of the Senate | CERTIFICATE I, Bernard Dean, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SECOND SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1152 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. |
Approved | FILED |
| Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 2021 Regular Session
State of Washington | 67th Legislature | 2021 Regular Session |
ByHouse Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Riccelli, Leavitt, Stonier, Ormsby, Lekanoff, Pollet, Bronoske, and Bateman; by request of Office of the Governor)
AN ACT Relating to supporting measures to create comprehensive public health districts; amending RCW
70.46.020, and
70.46.031; adding a new section to chapter
43.70 RCW; adding a new section to chapter
70.46 RCW; adding a new section to chapter
43.20 RCW; creating a new section; and providing an effective date.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that everyone in Washington state, no matter what community they live in, should be able to rely on a public health system that is able to support a standard level of public health service. Like public safety, there is a foundational level of public health delivery that must exist everywhere for services to work. A strong public health system is only possible with intentional investments into our state's public health system. Services should be delivered efficiently, equitably, and effectively, in ways that make the best use of technology, science, expertise, and leveraged resources and in a manner that is responsive to local communities.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter
43.70 RCW to read as follows:
(1) The public health advisory board is established within the department. The advisory board shall:
(a) Advise and provide feedback to the governmental public health system and provide formal public recommendations on public health;
(b) Monitor the performance of the governmental public health system;
(c) Develop goals and a direction for public health in Washington and provide recommendations to improve public health performance and to achieve the identified goals and direction;
(d) Advise and report to the secretary;
(e) Coordinate with the governor's office, department, state board of health, local health jurisdictions, and the secretary;
(f) Evaluate public health emergency response and provide recommendations for future response, including coordinating with relevant committees, task forces, and stakeholders to analyze the COVID-19 public health response; and
(g) Evaluate the use of foundational public health services funding by the governmental public health system.
(2) The public health advisory board shall consist of representatives from each of the following appointed by the governor:
(a) The governor's office;
(b) The director of the state board of health or the director's designee;
(c) The secretary of the department or the secretary's designee;
(d) The chair of the governor's interagency council on health disparities;
(e) Two representatives from the tribal government public health sector selected by the American Indian health commission;
(f) One member of the county legislative authority from a eastern Washington county selected by a statewide association representing counties;
(g) One member of the county legislative authority from a western Washington county selected by a statewide association representing counties;
(h) An organization representing businesses in a region of the state;
(i) A statewide association representing community and migrant health centers;
(j) A statewide association representing Washington cities;
(k) Four representatives from local health jurisdictions selected by a statewide association representing local public health officials, including one from a jurisdiction east of the Cascade mountains with a population between 200,000 and 600,000, one from a jurisdiction east of the Cascade mountains with a population under 200,000, one from a jurisdiction west of the Cascade mountains with a population between 200,000 and 600,000, and one from a jurisdiction west of the Cascade mountains with a population less than 200,000;
(l) A statewide association representing Washington hospitals;
(m) A statewide association representing Washington physicians;
(n) A statewide association representing Washington nurses;
(o) A statewide association representing Washington public health or public health professionals; and
(p) A consumer nonprofit organization representing marginalized populations.
(3) In addition to the members of the public health advisory board listed in subsection (2) of this section, there must be four nonvoting ex officio members from the legislature consisting of one legislator from each of the two largest caucuses in both the house of representatives and the senate.
(4) Staff support for the public health advisory board, including arranging meetings, must be provided by the department.
(5) Legislative members of the public health advisory board may be reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with RCW
44.04.120. Nonlegislative members are not entitled to be reimbursed for travel expenses if they are elected officials or are participating on behalf of an employer, governmental entity, or other organization. Any reimbursement for other nonlegislative members is subject to chapter
43.03 RCW.
(6) The public health advisory board is a class one group under chapter
43.03 RCW.
Sec. 3. RCW
70.05.030 and 1995 c 43 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
In counties without a home rule charter, the board of county commissioners shall constitute the local board of health, unless the county is part of a health district pursuant to chapter 70.46 RCW. The jurisdiction of the local board of health shall be coextensive with the boundaries of said county. The board of county commissioners may, at its discretion, adopt an ordinance expanding the size and composition of the board of health to include elected officials from cities and towns and persons other than elected officials as members so long as persons other than elected officials do not constitute a majority. An ordinance adopted under this section shall include provisions for the appointment, term, and compensation, or reimbursement of expenses.))
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, for counties without a home rule charter, the board of county commissioners and the members selected under (a) and (e) of this subsection, shall constitute the local board of health, unless the county is part of a health district pursuant to chapter 70.46 RCW. The jurisdiction of the local board of health shall be coextensive with the boundaries of the county. (a) The remaining board members must be persons who are not elected officials and must be selected from the following categories consistent with the requirements of this section and the rules adopted by the state board of health under section 8 of this act:
(i) Public health, health care facilities, and providers. This category consists of persons practicing or employed in the county who are:
(A) Medical ethicists;
(B) Epidemiologists;
(C) Experienced in environmental public health, such as a registered sanitarian;
(D) Community health workers;
(E) Holders of master's degrees or higher in public health or the equivalent;
(F) Employees of a hospital located in the county; or
(G) Any of the following providers holding an active or retired license in good standing under Title 18 RCW: (I) Physicians or osteopathic physicians;
(II) Advanced registered nurse practitioners;
(III) Physician assistants or osteopathic physician assistants;
(IV) Registered nurses;
(V) Dentists;
(VI) Naturopaths; or
(VII) Pharmacists;
(ii) Consumers of public health. This category consists of county residents who have self-identified as having faced significant health inequities or as having lived experiences with public health-related programs such as: The special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children; the supplemental nutrition program; home visiting; or treatment services. It is strongly encouraged that individuals from historically marginalized and underrepresented communities are given preference. These individuals may not be elected officials and may not have any fiduciary obligation to a health facility or other health agency, and may not have a material financial interest in the rendering of health services; and
(iii) Other community stakeholders. This category consists of persons representing the following types of organizations located in the county:
(A) Community-based organizations or nonprofits that work with populations experiencing health inequities in the county;
(B) Active, reserve, or retired armed services members;
(C) The business community; or
(D) The environmental public health regulated community.
(b) The board members selected under (a) of this subsection must be approved by a majority vote of the board of county commissioners.
(c) If the number of board members selected under (a) of this subsection is evenly divisible by three, there must be an equal number of members selected from each of the three categories. If there are one or two members over the nearest multiple of three, those members may be selected from any of the three categories. However, if the board of health demonstrates that it attempted to recruit members from all three categories and was unable to do so, the board may select members only from the other two categories.
(d) There may be no more than one member selected under (a) of this subsection from one type of background or position.
(e) If a federally recognized Indian tribe holds reservation, trust lands, or has usual and accustomed areas within the county, or if a 501(c)(3) organization registered in Washington that serves American Indian and Alaska Native people and provides services within the county, the board of health must include a tribal representative selected by the American Indian health commission.
(f) The board of county commissioners may, at its discretion, adopt an ordinance expanding the size and composition of the board of health to include elected officials from cities and towns and persons other than elected officials as members so long as the city and county elected officials do not constitute a majority of the total membership of the board.
(g) Except as provided in (a) and (e) of this subsection, an ordinance adopted under this section shall include provisions for the appointment, term, and compensation, or reimbursement of expenses.
(h) The jurisdiction of the local board of health shall be coextensive with the boundaries of the county.
(i) The local health officer, as described in RCW 70.05.050, shall be appointed by the official designated under the provisions of the county charter. The same official designated under the provisions of the county charter may appoint an administrative officer, as described in RCW 70.05.045. (j) The number of members selected under (a) and (e) of this subsection must equal the number of city and county elected officials on the board of health.
(k) At the first meeting of a district board of health the members shall elect a chair to serve for a period of one year.
(l) Any decision by the board of health related to the setting or modification of permit, licensing, and application fees may only be determined by the city and county elected officials on the board.
(2) A local board of health comprised solely of elected officials may retain this composition if the local health jurisdiction had a public health advisory committee or board with its own bylaws established on January 1, 2021. By January 1, 2022, the public health advisory committee or board must meet the requirements established in section 7 of this act for community health advisory boards. Any future changes to local board of health composition must meet the requirements of subsection (1) of this section.
Sec. 4. RCW
70.05.035 and 1995 c 43 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
In counties with a home rule charter, the county legislative authority shall establish a local board of health and may prescribe the membership and selection process for the board. The county legislative authority may appoint to the board of health elected officials from cities and towns and persons other than elected officials as members so long as persons other than elected officials do not constitute a majority. The county legislative authority shall specify the appointment, term, and compensation or reimbursement of expenses. The jurisdiction of the local board of health shall be coextensive with the boundaries of the county. The local health officer, as described in RCW 70.05.050, shall be appointed by the official designated under the provisions of the county charter. The same official designated under the provisions of the county charter may appoint an administrative officer, as described in RCW 70.05.045.))
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, for home rule charter counties, the county legislative authority shall establish a local board of health and may prescribe the membership and selection process for the board. The membership of the local board of health must also include the members selected under (a) and (e) of this subsection.
(a) The remaining board members must be persons who are not elected officials and must be selected from the following categories consistent with the requirements of this section and the rules adopted by the state board of health under section 8 of this act:
(i) Public health, health care facilities, and providers. This category consists of persons practicing or employed in the county who are:
(A) Medical ethicists;
(B) Epidemiologists;
(C) Experienced in environmental public health, such as a registered sanitarian;
(D) Community health workers;
(E) Holders of master's degrees or higher in public health or the equivalent;
(F) Employees of a hospital located in the county; or
(G) Any of the following providers holding an active or retired license in good standing under Title 18 RCW: (I) Physicians or osteopathic physicians;
(II) Advanced registered nurse practitioners;
(III) Physician assistants or osteopathic physician assistants;
(IV) Registered nurses;
(V) Dentists;
(VI) Naturopaths; or
(VII) Pharmacists;
(ii) Consumers of public health. This category consists of county residents who have self-identified as having faced significant health inequities or as having lived experiences with public health-related programs such as: The special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children; the supplemental nutrition program; home visiting; or treatment services. It is strongly encouraged that individuals from historically marginalized and underrepresented communities are given preference. These individuals may not be elected officials and may not have any fiduciary obligation to a health facility or other health agency, and may not have a material financial interest in the rendering of health services; and
(iii) Other community stakeholders. This category consists of persons representing the following types of organizations located in the county:
(A) Community-based organizations or nonprofits that work with populations experiencing health inequities in the county;
(B) Active, reserve, or retired armed services members;
(C) The business community; or
(D) The environmental public health regulated community.
(b) The board members selected under (a) of this subsection must be approved by a majority vote of the board of county commissioners.
(c) If the number of board members selected under (a) of this subsection is evenly divisible by three, there must be an equal number of members selected from each of the three categories. If there are one or two members over the nearest multiple of three, those members may be selected from any of the three categories. However, if the board of health demonstrates that it attempted to recruit members from all three categories and was unable to do so, the board may select members only from the other two categories.
(d) There may be no more than one member selected under (a) of this subsection from one type of background or position.
(e) If a federally recognized Indian tribe holds reservation, trust lands, or has usual and accustomed areas within the county, or if a 501(c)(3) organization registered in Washington that serves American Indian and Alaska Native people and provides services within the county, the board of health must include a tribal representative selected by the American Indian health commission.
(f) The county legislative authority may appoint to the board of health elected officials from cities and towns and persons other than elected officials as members so long as the city and county elected officials do not constitute a majority of the total membership of the board.
(g) Except as provided in (a) and (e) of this subsection, the county legislative authority shall specify the appointment, term, and compensation or reimbursement of expenses.
(h) The jurisdiction of the local board of health shall be coextensive with the boundaries of the county.
(i) The local health officer, as described in RCW 70.05.050, shall be appointed by the official designated under the provisions of the county charter. The same official designated under the provisions of the county charter may appoint an administrative officer, as described in RCW 70.05.045. (j) The number of members selected under (a) and (e) of this subsection must equal the number of city and county elected officials on the board of health.
(k) At the first meeting of a district board of health the members shall elect a chair to serve for a period of one year.
(l) Any decision by the board of health related to the setting or modification of permit, licensing, and application fees may only be determined by the city and county elected officials on the board.
(2) A local board of health comprised solely of elected officials may retain this composition if the local health jurisdiction had a public health advisory committee or board with its own bylaws established on January 1, 2021. By January 1, 2022, the public health advisory committee or board must meet the requirements established in section 7 of this act for community health advisory boards. Any future changes to local board of health composition must meet the requirements of subsection (1) of this section.
Sec. 5. RCW
70.46.020 and 1995 c 43 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
Health districts consisting of two or more counties may be created whenever two or more boards of county commissioners shall by resolution establish a district for such purpose. Such a district shall consist of all the area of the combined counties. The district board of health of such a district shall consist of not less than five members for districts of two counties and seven members for districts of more than two counties, including two representatives from each county who are members of the board of county commissioners and who are appointed by the board of county commissioners of each county within the district, and shall have a jurisdiction coextensive with the combined boundaries. The boards of county commissioners may by resolution or ordinance provide for elected officials from cities and towns and persons other than elected officials as members of the district board of health so long as persons other than elected officials do not constitute a majority. A resolution or ordinance adopted under this section must specify the provisions for the appointment, term, and compensation, or reimbursement of expenses. Any multicounty health district existing on the effective date of this act shall continue in existence unless and until changed by affirmative action of all boards of county commissioners or one or more counties withdraws [withdraw] pursuant to RCW 70.46.090.At the first meeting of a district board of health the members shall elect a chair to serve for a period of one year.))
(1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, health districts consisting of two or more counties may be created whenever two or more boards of county commissioners shall by resolution establish a district for such purpose. Such a district shall consist of all the area of the combined counties. The district board of health of such a district shall consist of not less than five members for districts of two counties and seven members for districts of more than two counties, including two representatives from each county who are members of the board of county commissioners and who are appointed by the board of county commissioners of each county within the district, and members selected under (a) and (e) of this subsection, and shall have a jurisdiction coextensive with the combined boundaries.
(a) The remaining board members must be persons who are not elected officials and must be selected from the following categories consistent with the requirements of this section and the rules adopted by the state board of health under section 8 of this act:
(i) Public health, health care facilities, and providers. This category consists of persons practicing or employed in the health district who are:
(A) Medical ethicists;
(B) Epidemiologists;
(C) Experienced in environmental public health, such as a registered sanitarian;
(D) Community health workers;
(E) Holders of master's degrees or higher in public health or the equivalent;
(F) Employees of a hospital located in the health district; or
(G) Any of the following providers holding an active or retired license in good standing under Title 18 RCW: (I) Physicians or osteopathic physicians;
(II) Advanced registered nurse practitioners;
(III) Physician assistants or osteopathic physician assistants;
(IV) Registered nurses;
(V) Dentists;
(VI) Naturopaths; or
(VII) Pharmacists;
(ii) Consumers of public health. This category consists of health district residents who have self-identified as having faced significant health inequities or as having lived experiences with public health-related programs such as: The special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children; the supplemental nutrition program; home visiting; or treatment services. It is strongly encouraged that individuals from historically marginalized and underrepresented communities are given preference. These individuals may not be elected officials, and may not have any fiduciary obligation to a health facility or other health agency, and may not have a material financial interest in the rendering of health services; and
(iii) Other community stakeholders. This category consists of persons representing the following types of organizations located in the health district:
(A) Community-based organizations or nonprofits that work with populations experiencing health inequities in the health district;
(B) Active, reserve, or retired armed services members;
(C) The business community; or
(D) The environmental public health regulated community.
(b) The board members selected under (a) of this subsection must be approved by a majority vote of the board of county commissioners.
(c) If the number of board members selected under (a) of this subsection is evenly divisible by three, there must be an equal number of members selected from each of the three categories. If there are one or two members over the nearest multiple of three, those members may be selected from any of the three categories. However, if the board of health demonstrates that it attempted to recruit members from all three categories and was unable to do so, the board may select members only from the other two categories.
(d) There may be no more than one member selected under (a) of this subsection from one type of background or position.
(e) If a federally recognized Indian tribe holds reservation, trust lands, or has usual and accustomed areas within the health district, or if a 501(c)(3) organization registered in Washington that serves American Indian and Alaska Native people and provides services within the health district, the board of health must include a tribal representative selected by the American Indian health commission.
(f) The boards of county commissioners may by resolution or ordinance provide for elected officials from cities and towns and persons other than elected officials as members of the district board of health so long as the city and county elected officials do not constitute a majority of the total membership of the board.
(g) Except as provided in (a) and (e) of this subsection, a resolution or ordinance adopted under this section must specify the provisions for the appointment, term, and compensation, or reimbursement of expenses.
(h) At the first meeting of a district board of health the members shall elect a chair to serve for a period of one year.
(i) The jurisdiction of the local board of health shall be coextensive with the boundaries of the county.
(j) The local health officer, as described in RCW 70.05.050, shall be appointed by the official designated under the provisions of the county charter. The same official designated under the provisions of the county charter may appoint an administrative officer, as described in RCW 70.05.045. (k) The number of members selected under (a) and (e) of this subsection must equal the number of city and county elected officials on the board of health.
(l) Any decision by the board of health related to the setting or modification of permit, licensing, and application fees may only be determined by the city and county elected officials on the board.
(2) A local board of health comprised solely of elected officials may retain this composition if the local health jurisdiction had a public health advisory committee or board with its own bylaws established on January 1, 2021. By January 1, 2022, the public health advisory committee or board must meet the requirements established in section 7 of this act for community health advisory boards. Any future changes to local board of health composition must meet the requirements of subsection (1) of this section.
(3) A local board of health comprised solely of elected officials and made up of three counties east of the Cascade mountains may retain their current composition if the local health jurisdiction has a public health advisory committee or board that meets the requirements established in section 7 of this act for community health advisory boards by July 1, 2022. If such a local board of health does not establish the required community health advisory board by July 1, 2022, it must comply with the requirements of subsection (1) of this section. Any future changes to local board of health composition must meet the requirements of subsection (1) of this section.
Sec. 6. RCW
70.46.031 and 1995 c 43 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:
A health district to consist of one county may be created whenever the county legislative authority of the county shall pass a resolution or ordinance to organize such a health district under chapter 70.05 RCW and this chapter.The resolution or ordinance may specify the membership, representation on the district health board, or other matters relative to the formation or operation of the health district. The county legislative authority may appoint elected officials from cities and towns and persons other than elected officials as members of the health district board so long as persons other than elected officials do not constitute a majority.
Any single county health district existing on the effective date of this act shall continue in existence unless and until changed by affirmative action of the county legislative authority.))
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, a health district to consist of one county may be created whenever the county legislative authority of the county shall pass a resolution or ordinance to organize such a health district under chapter 70.05 RCW and this chapter. The resolution or ordinance may specify the membership, representation on the district health board, or other matters relative to the formation or operation of the health district. In addition to the membership of the district health board determined through resolution or ordinance, the district health board must also include the members selected under (a) and (e) of this subsection. (a) The remaining board members must be persons who are not elected officials and must be selected from the following categories consistent with the requirements of this section and the rules adopted by the state board of health under section 8 of this act:
(i) Public health, health care facilities, and providers. This category consists of persons practicing or employed in the county who are:
(A) Medical ethicists;
(B) Epidemiologists;
(C) Experienced in environmental public health, such as a registered sanitarian;
(D) Community health workers;
(E) Holders of master's degrees or higher in public health or the equivalent;
(F) Employees of a hospital located in the county; or
(G) Any of the following providers holding an active or retired license in good standing under Title 18 RCW: (I) Physicians or osteopathic physicians;
(II) Advanced registered nurse practitioners;
(III) Physician assistants or osteopathic physician assistants;
(IV) Registered nurses;
(V) Dentists;
(VI) Naturopaths; or
(VII) Pharmacists;
(ii) Consumers of public health. This category consists of county residents who have self-identified as having faced significant health inequities or as having lived experiences with public health-related programs such as: The special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children; the supplemental nutrition program; home visiting; or treatment services. It is strongly encouraged that individuals from historically marginalized and underrepresented communities are given preference. These individuals may not be elected officials and may not have any fiduciary obligation to a health facility or other health agency, and may not have a material financial interest in the rendering of health services; and
(iii) Other community stakeholders. This category consists of persons representing the following types of organizations located in the county:
(A) Community-based organizations or nonprofits that work with populations experiencing health inequities in the county;
(B) The business community; or
(C) The environmental public health regulated community.
(b) The board members selected under (a) of this subsection must be approved by a majority vote of the board of county commissioners.
(c) If the number of board members selected under (a) of this subsection is evenly divisible by three, there must be an equal number of members selected from each of the three categories. If there are one or two members over the nearest multiple of three, those members may be selected from any of the three categories. If there are two members over the nearest multiple of three, each member over the nearest multiple of three must be selected from a different category. However, if the board of health demonstrates that it attempted to recruit members from all three categories and was unable to do so, the board may select members only from the other two categories.
(d) There may be no more than one member selected under (a) of this subsection from one type of background or position.
(e) If a federally recognized Indian tribe holds reservation, trust lands, or has usual and accustomed areas within the county, or if a 501(c)(3) organization registered in Washington that serves American Indian and Alaska Native people and provides services within the county, the board of health must include a tribal representative selected by the American Indian health commission.
(f) The county legislative authority may appoint elected officials from cities and towns and persons other than elected officials as members of the health district board so long as the city and county elected officials do not constitute a majority of the total membership of the board.
(g) Except as provided in (a) and (e) of this subsection, a resolution or ordinance adopted under this section must specify the provisions for the appointment, term, and compensation, or reimbursement of expenses.
(h) The jurisdiction of the local board of health shall be coextensive with the boundaries of the county.
(i) The local health officer, as described in RCW 70.05.050, shall be appointed by the official designated under the provisions of the resolution or ordinance. The same official designated under the provisions of the resolution or ordinance may appoint an administrative officer, as described in RCW 70.05.045. (j) At the first meeting of a district board of health the members shall elect a chair to serve for a period of one year.
(k) The number of members selected under (a) and (e) of this subsection must equal the number of city and county elected officials on the board of health.
(l) Any decision by the board of health related to the setting or modification of permit, licensing, and application fees may only be determined by the city and county elected officials on the board.
(2) A local board of health comprised solely of elected officials may retain this composition if the local health jurisdiction had a public health advisory committee or board with its own bylaws established on January 1, 2021. By January 1, 2022, the public health advisory committee or board must meet the requirements established in section 7 of this act for community health advisory boards. Any future changes to local board of health composition must meet the requirements of subsection (1) of this section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. A new section is added to chapter
70.46 RCW to read as follows:
(1) A community health advisory board shall:
(a) Provide input to the local board of health in the recruitment and selection of an administrative officer, pursuant to RCW
70.05.045, and local health officer, pursuant to RCW
(b) Use a health equity framework to conduct, assess, and identify the community health needs of the jurisdiction, and review and recommend public health policies and priorities for the local health jurisdiction and advisory board to address community health needs;
(c) Evaluate the impact of proposed public health policies and programs, and assure identified health needs and concerns are being met;
(d) Promote public participation in and identification of local public health needs;
(e) Provide community forums and hearings as assigned by the local board of health;
(f) Establish community task forces as assigned by the local board of health;
(g) Review and make recommendations to the local health jurisdiction and local board of health for an annual budget and fees; and
(h) Review and advise on local health jurisdiction progress in achieving performance measures and outcomes to ensure continuous quality improvement and accountability.
(2) The advisory board shall consist of nine to 21 members appointed by the local board of health. The local health officer and a member of the local board of health shall serve as ex officio members of the board.
(3) The advisory board must be broadly representative of the character of the community. Membership preference shall be given to tribal, racial, ethnic, and other minorities. The advisory board must consist of a balance of members with expertise, career experience, and consumer experience in areas impacting public health and with populations served by the health department. The board's composition shall include:
(a) Members with expertise in and experience with:
(i) Health care access and quality;
(ii) Physical environment, including built and natural environments;
(iii) Social and economic sectors, including housing, basic needs, education, and employment;
(iv) Business and philanthropy;
(v) Communities that experience health inequities;
(vi) Government; and
(vii) Tribal communities and tribal government.
(b) Consumers of public health services;
(c) Community members with lived experience in any of the areas listed in (a) of this subsection; and
(d) Community stakeholders, including nonprofit organizations, the business community, and those regulated by public health.
(4) The local health jurisdiction and local board of health must actively recruit advisory board members in a manner that solicits broad diversity to assure representation from marginalized communities including tribal, racial, ethnic, and other minorities.
(5) Advisory board members shall serve for staggered three-year terms. This does not preclude any member from being reappointed.
(6) The advisory board shall, at the first meeting of each year, select a chair and vice chair. The chair shall preside over all advisory board meetings and work with the local health jurisdiction administrator, or their designee, to establish board meeting agendas.
(7) Staffing for the advisory board shall be provided by the local health jurisdiction.
(8) The advisory board shall hold meetings monthly, or as otherwise determined by the advisory board at a place and time to be decided by the advisory board. Special meetings may be held on call of the local board of health or the chairperson of the advisory board.
(9) Meetings of the advisory board are subject to the open public meetings act, chapter
42.30 RCW, and meeting minutes must be submitted to the local board of health.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. A new section is added to chapter
43.20 RCW to read as follows:
(1) The state board of health shall adopt rules establishing the appointment process for the members of local boards of health who are not elected officials. The selection process established by the rules must:
(a) Be fair and unbiased; and
(b) Ensure, to the extent practicable, that the membership of local boards of health include a balanced representation of elected officials and nonelected people with a diversity of expertise and lived experience.
(2) The rules adopted under this section must go into effect no later than one year after the effective date of this section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. Sections 3 through 6 of this act take effect July 1, 2022.
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