State of Washington | 67th Legislature | 2021 Regular Session |
BySenators Padden, Pedersen, Brown, Gildon, Holy, Mullet, Short, and Van De Wege
Prefiled 12/18/20.Read first time 01/11/21.Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
AN ACT Relating to reducing barriers to condominium construction; and amending RCW
64.55.010 and
Sec. 1. RCW
64.55.010 and 2005 c 456 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in RCW
64.34.020 and in this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Attached dwelling unit" means any dwelling unit that is attached to another dwelling unit by a wall, floor, or ceiling that separates heated living spaces. A garage is not a heated living space.
(2) "Building enclosure" means that part of any building, above or below grade, that physically separates the outside or exterior environment from interior environments and which weatherproofs, waterproofs, or otherwise protects the building or its components from water or moisture intrusion. Interior environments consist of both heated and unheated enclosed spaces. The building enclosure includes, but is not limited to, that portion of roofs, walls, balcony support columns, decks, windows, doors, vents, and other penetrations through exterior walls, which waterproof, weatherproof, or otherwise protect the building or its components from water or moisture intrusion.
(3) "Building enclosure design documents" means plans, details, and specifications for the building enclosure that have been stamped by a licensed engineer or architect. The building enclosure design documents shall include details and specifications that are appropriate for the building in the professional judgment of the architect or engineer which prepared the same to waterproof, weatherproof, and otherwise protect the building or its components from water or moisture intrusion, including details of flashing, intersections at roof, eaves or parapets, means of drainage, water-resistive membrane, and details around openings.
(4) "Developer" means:
(a) With respect to a condominium or a conversion condominium, the declarant; and
(b) With respect to all other buildings, an individual, group of individuals, partnership, corporation, association, municipal corporation, state agency, or other entity or person that obtains a building permit for the construction or rehabilitative reconstruction of a multiunit residential building. If a permit is obtained by service providers such as architects, contractors, and consultants who obtain permits for others as part of services rendered for a fee, the person for whom the permit is obtained shall be the developer, not the service provider.
(5) "Dwelling unit" has the meaning given to that phrase or similar phrases in the ordinances of the jurisdiction issuing the permit for construction of the building enclosure but if such ordinances do not provide a definition, then "dwelling unit" means a residence containing living, cooking, sleeping, and sanitary facilities.
(6) "Multiunit residential building" means:
(a) A building containing more than two attached dwelling units, including a building containing nonresidential units if the building also contains more than two attached dwelling units, but excluding the following classes of buildings:
(i) Hotels and motels;
(ii) Dormitories;
(iii) Care facilities;
(iv) Floating homes;
(v) A building that contains attached dwelling units that are each located on a single platted lot, except as provided in (b) of this subsection;
(vi) A building in which all of the dwelling units are held under one ownership and is subject to a recorded irrevocable sale prohibition covenant; and
(vii) A building with ten or fewer units that is no more than two stories.
(b) If the developer submits to the appropriate building department when applying for the building permit described in RCW
64.55.020 a statement that the developer elects to treat the improvement for which a permit is sought as a multiunit residential building for all purposes under this chapter, then "multiunit residential building" also means the following buildings for which such election has been made:
(i) A building containing only two attached dwelling units;
(ii) A building that does not contain attached dwelling units; and
(iii) Any building that contains attached dwelling units each of which is located on a single platted lot.
(7) "Party unit owner" means a unit owner who is a named party to an action subject to this chapter and does not include any unit owners whose involvement with the action stems solely from their membership in the association.
(8) "Qualified building inspector" means a person satisfying the requirements of RCW
(9) "Rehabilitative construction" means construction work on the building enclosure of a multiunit residential building if the cost of such construction work is more than five percent of the assessed value of the building.
(10) "Sale prohibition covenant" means a recorded covenant that prohibits the sale or other disposition of individual dwelling units as or as part of a condominium for five years or more from the date of first occupancy except as otherwise provided in RCW
64.55.090, a certified copy of which the developer shall submit to the appropriate building department; provided such covenant shall not apply to sales or dispositions listed in RCW
64.34.400(2). The covenant must be recorded in the county in which the building is located and must be in substantially the following form:
This covenant has been recorded in the real property records of . . . . . . County, Washington, in satisfaction of the requirements of RCW
64.55.010 through
64.55.090. The undersigned is the owner of the property described on Exhibit A (the "Property"). Until termination of this covenant, no dwelling unit in or on the Property may be sold as a condominium unit except for sales listed in RCW
This covenant terminates on the earlier of either: (a) Compliance with the requirements of RCW
64.55.090, as certified by the owner of the Property in a recorded supplement hereto; or (b) the fifth anniversary of the date of first occupancy of a dwelling unit as certified by the Owner in a recorded supplement hereto.
All title insurance companies and persons acquiring an interest in the Property may rely on the forgoing certifications without further inquiry in issuing any policy of title insurance or in acquiring an interest in the Property.
(11) "Stamped" means bearing the stamp and signature of the responsible licensed architect or engineer on the title page, and on every sheet of the documents, drawings, or specifications, including modifications to the documents, drawings, and specifications that become part of change orders or addenda to alter those documents, drawings, or specifications.
Sec. 2. RCW
64.90.645 and 2018 c 277 s 410 are each amended to read as follows:
Any earnest money deposit, as defined in RCW 64.04.005, or any reservation))
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, any deposit made in connection with the right to purchase a unit from a person required to deliver a public offering statement pursuant to RCW
64.90.605(3) must be placed in escrow and held in this state in an escrow or trust account designated solely for that purpose by a licensed title insurance company or agent, a licensed attorney, a real estate broker or independent bonded escrow company, or an institution whose accounts are insured by a governmental agency or instrumentality until: ((
(a) Delivered to the declarant at closing, ((
(b) delivered to the declarant because of the purchaser's default under a contract to purchase the unit, ((
(c) refunded to the purchaser, or ((
(d) delivered to a court in connection with the filing of an interpleader action.
(2)(a) If a purchase agreement for the sale of a unit provides that deposit funds may be used for construction costs and the declarant obtains and maintains a surety bond as required by this section, the declarant may withdraw escrow funds when construction of improvements has begun. The funds may be used only for actual building and construction costs of the project in which the unit is located.
(b) The bond must be issued by a surety insurer licensed in this state in favor of the purchaser in an amount adequate to cover the amount of the deposit to be withdrawn. The declarant may not withdraw more than the face amount of the bond. The bond must be payable to the purchaser if the purchaser obtains a final judgment against the declarant requiring the declarant to return the deposit pursuant to the purchase agreement. The bond may be either in the form of an individual bond for each deposit accepted by the declarant or in the form of a blanket bond assuring the return of all deposits received by the declarant.
(3) A deposit under this section may not exceed 10 percent of the purchase price.
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