Passed by the Senate February 23, 2021 Yeas 49 Nays 0
President of the Senate Passed by the House April 5, 2021 Yeas 98 Nays 0
Speaker of the House of Representatives | CERTIFICATE I, Brad Hendrickson, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SENATE BILL 5356 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth. |
Approved | FILED |
| Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 2021 Regular Session
State of Washington | 67th Legislature | 2021 Regular Session |
BySenators Short, Kuderer, and Conway
Read first time 01/27/21.Referred to Committee on Housing & Local Government.
AN ACT Relating to prime contractor bidding submission requirements on public works contracts; and amending RCW
Sec. 1. RCW
39.30.060 and 2020 c 140 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Every invitation to bid on a prime contract that is expected to cost ((
one million dollars))
$1,000,000 or more for the construction, alteration, or repair of any public building or public work of the state or a state agency or municipality as defined under RCW
39.04.010 or an institution of higher education as defined under RCW
28B.10.016 shall require each prime contract bidder to submit:
(a) Within one hour after the published bid submittal time, the names of the subcontractors with whom the bidder, if awarded the contract, will subcontract for performance of the work of: HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning); plumbing as described in chapter
18.106 RCW; and electrical as described in chapter
19.28 RCW, or to name itself for the work; ((
and(b) Within ((forty-eight))48 hours after the published bid submittal time, the names of the subcontractors with whom the bidder, if awarded the contract, will subcontract for performance of the work of structural steel installation and rebar installation.
(2) The prime contract bidder shall not list more than one subcontractor for each category of work identified, unless subcontractors vary with bid alternates, in which case the prime contract bidder must indicate which subcontractor will be used for which alternate. Failure of the prime contract bidder to submit as part of the bid the names of such subcontractors or to name itself to perform such work or the naming of two or more subcontractors to perform the same work shall render the prime contract bidder's bid nonresponsive and, therefore, void.
(3) Substitution of a listed subcontractor in furtherance of bid shopping or bid peddling before or after the award of the prime contract is prohibited and the originally listed subcontractor is entitled to recover monetary damages from the prime contract bidder who executed a contract with the public entity and the substituted subcontractor but not from the public entity inviting the bid. It is the original subcontractor's burden to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that bid shopping or bid peddling occurred. Substitution of a listed subcontractor may be made by the prime contractor for the following reasons:
(a) Refusal of the listed subcontractor to sign a contract with the prime contractor;
(b) Bankruptcy or insolvency of the listed subcontractor;
(c) Inability of the listed subcontractor to perform the requirements of the proposed contract or the project;
(d) Inability of the listed subcontractor to obtain the necessary license, bonding, insurance, or other statutory requirements to perform the work detailed in the contract;
(e) Refusal or inability to provide a letter of bondability from a surety company; or
(f) The listed subcontractor is barred from participating in the project as a result of a court order or summary judgment.
(4) The requirement of this section to name the prime contract bidder's proposed subcontractors applies only to proposed HVAC, plumbing, electrical, structural steel installation, and rebar installation subcontractors who will contract directly with the prime contract bidder submitting the bid to the public entity.
(5) This section does not apply
to design-build requests for proposals under RCW 39.10.330, to general contractor/construction manager requests for proposals under RCW 39.10.350, or to job order contract requests for proposals under RCW
(6) The legislature finds that there are hundreds of capital construction projects completed each year which include complex contracting and bidding requirements. It is the intent of the legislature to review current subcontractor listing requirements to allow fair, transparent, and competitive bidding while prohibiting bid shopping. The capital projects advisory review board must submit a report to the governor and the appropriate committees of the legislature by November 1, 2020, and a second report by November 1, 2022. The ((report))reports must:
(a) Evaluate current subcontractor listing policies and practices;
(b) Recommend appropriate expansion of the number of subcontractors that may be listed in order to improve transparency and fairness without reducing competitive bidding and access to public works by minority and women-owned businesses; and
(c) Recommend possible project threshold and time frames for purposes of subcontractor listings for all scopes of work that are not required to list under law, including: The timing of subcontractor listing, bond requirements for subcontractors, general contractors standard contract request, and general contractor/construction manager and design-build applications.
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