BySenators Wilson, C., Das, Gildon, Hasegawa, Kuderer, Nobles, Stanford, and Warnick
WHEREAS, The Washington State Constitution states that it is "the paramount duty of the state to educate all children residing within its borders…"; and
WHEREAS, Washington state is committed to preparing every student for postsecondary pathways, careers, and civic engagement; and
WHEREAS, Education is key to the future of students in the K-12 education system and the future of our state's economy; and
WHEREAS, Rare is the adult who does not vividly remember at least one teacher or school leader as having played a pivotal, lasting, and unforgettable role in their education and personal growth; and
WHEREAS, The education and training of future educators, principals, and assistant principals is essential to meeting the state's goals for public education; and
WHEREAS, The Association of Washington School Principals has followed a tradition of recognizing February as Future Educators Month since 2015 and is now joined by the Washington Association of School Administrators; and
WHEREAS, The purpose of this practice is to inspire, celebrate, and raise awareness of the field of education for high school and college students who may be interested in becoming teachers, and for teachers and educational leaders who may be interested in becoming principals; and
WHEREAS, The recruitment, placement, and retention of anti-racist future educators, principals, and assistant principals, and those who represent the demographics of the schools and cities in which they work, is crucial to the enrichment of students' educational experience;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate, in recognition of the importance of expanding and sustaining the pathway of future teachers and principals, and raising awareness about this critical career field, join the Association of Washington School Principals and Washington Association of School Administrators in celebrating the month of February as Future Educators Month.
I, Brad Hendrickson, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8605,
adopted by the Senate
February 2, 2021
Secretary of the Senate