Washington State Senate 1st Order

2021 Regular Session of the 67th Legislature
DENNY HECK, President of the Senate KAREN KEISER, President Pro Tem
BRAD HENDRICKSON, Secretary of the Senate STEVE CONWAY, Vice President Pro Tem
STEVE HOBBS, Vice President Pro Tem

March 23, 2021 - Tuesday 72ND DAY
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
HB 1001 f Law enf. professional dev. WM DP21 RULE
ESHB 1120 f Long-term services/emergency HLTC DPA7 DNP5 RULE
SHB 1129 f International medical grads HLTC DPA7 DNP4 w/oRec1 RULE
SHB 1151 f Public assistance WM DP17 w/oRec4 DNP1, On motion placed on Second Reading Calendar
2SHB 1161 f Drug take-back programs HLTC DP12 RULE
ESHB 1176 f Student fines and fees EDU DPA5 DNP3 w/oRec1 RULE
ESHB 1214 f K-12 safety & security serv. EDU DP7 DNP2 RULE
ESHB 1426 f K-12 continuing ed./equity EDU DP6 DNP3 RULE
SHB 1445 f Definition of compounding HLTC DP12 RULE
SHB 1484 f Building mapping system EDU DP9 RULE
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SGA 9030 JACK S. ENG, Member, Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals LCTA BC8 RULE
SGA 9033 MARCUS J. GLASPER, Director, Lottery Commission as Agency Head LCTA BC8 RULE
SGA 9079 KENNETH J. PEDERSEN, Member, Public Employment Relations Commission LCTA BC8 RULE
SGA 9086 ISABEL A. COLE, Member, Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals LCTA BC7 NBC1 RULE
SGA 9089 BUD E. SIZEMORE, Member, Gambling Commission LCTA BC8 RULE
SGA 9174 LAUREN KING, Member, Gambling Commission LCTA BC8 RULE