1047-S AMH MCCL H1553.1
SHB 1047 - H AMD 114
By Representative McClintock
NOT ADOPTED 03/01/2023
On page 2, beginning on line 21, after "50-00-0)" strike all material through "formaldehyde" on line 22
On page 3, line 1, after (4) insert "(a)"
On page 3, after line 7, insert the following:
"(b) The department, in consultation with the department of health, must carry out a literature review of studies assessing the human health impacts of formaldehyde-releasing agents or chemicals suspected or known to release formaldehyde. The department must complete its review and submit a report to the appropriate committees of the house of representatives and the senate by December 31, 2023, that describes whether the literature review has found any scientific evidence to support the contention that formaldehyde-releasing agents pose a risk to human health."
EFFECT: Eliminates the restrictions on formaldehyde releasing agents in cosmetic products. Directs the department of ecology, in consultation with the department of health, to carry out a literature review and report to the appropriate committees of the legislature by December 31, 2023, regarding any identified evidence in support of the contention that formaldehyde-releasing agents post a risk to human health.
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