1305-S2 AMH COUT WARG 115


2SHB 1305 - H AMD 1010

By Representative Couture


On page 5, after line 18, insert the following:

"NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. With all correspondence and materials related to evaluation for and provision of special education services, a school district must provide the parent of a student who is or may be eligible for special education services with the following:

(1) A description of the services available through the office of the education ombuds and the contact information for the office of the education ombuds;

(2) Information about accessing special education guidance and other resources for parents available through the office of the superintendent of public instruction; and

(3) A notification that parents have a right to information about their child's education in a language that they can understand and in accordance with the school district's language access policy and procedures as required under chapter 28A.183 RCW.


(1) For each student whose individualized education program includes provision of a related or supplementary special education service that is quantifiable, such as hours, minutes, or units, a school district must notify the parents of the student that a quarterly quantitative service report is available upon request.

(2)(a) A quarterly quantitative service report must indicate the quantity of each service delivered to the student during the prior quarter and the method in which the service was delivered. Identification of the delivery method includes whether the services were delivered in-person or virtually, whether the services were delivered one-on-one or in a group, and whether the services were delivered at the student's school or at another location.

(b) When the quantity of a service delivered to the student in the prior quarter is less than the quarterly quantity of that service required under the student's individualized education program, the report must include a plan to provide the student with additional services in the following quarter.

(3) The quarterly quantitative service report must be made available to a parent in writing within 10 business days of the parent's request. However, the school district is not required to provide a parent with the report more than once per quarter."

Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.

On page 8, line 29, after "through" strike "7" and insert "9"

On page 10, line 25, after "through" strike "7" and insert "9"

On page 10, line 35, after "through" strike "7" and insert "9"

On page 11, line 1, after "through" strike "7" and insert "9"

Correct the title.

EFFECT:   Adds that, with all correspondence and materials related to evaluation for and provision of special education services, a school district must provide the parent of a student who is or may be eligible for special education services with specified information, for example information about the resources available through the Office of the Education Ombuds and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).

Requires that for each student whose individualized education program (IEP) includes provision of a related or supplementary special education service that is quantifiable, a school district must notify the parents of the student that a quarterly quantitative service report is available upon request. Specifies that, when the quantity of a service delivered to the student in the prior quarter is less than the quarterly quantity of that service required under the student's IEP, the report must include a plan to provide the student with additional services in the following quarter.

Directs the OSPI to promulgate rules necessary to implement the provisions described above and authorizes the OSPI to sanction school districts that fail to comply with these provisions.

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