1932-S AMH CHRI ZOLL 356
SHB 1932 - H AMD 816
By Representative Christian
NOT ADOPTED 02/08/2024
On page 3, beginning on line 28, after "following" strike "adoption of an ordinance or policy, or"
On page 3, beginning on line 31, after "(a)" strike all material through "(b)" on line 38
On page 4, at the beginning of line 6, strike "(c)" and insert "(b)"
On page 4, at the beginning of line 9, strike "(d)" and insert "(c)"
On page 4, at the beginning of line 13, strike "(e)" and insert "(d)"
| EFFECT: Removes the ability of a jurisdiction to choose to switch its elections to even-numbered years by adopting an ordinance or policy without voter approval.
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