2036-S AMH RUDE LEON 864


SHB 2036 - H AMD 838

By Representative Rude


On page 6, line 5, after "(8)" insert "(a) An establishment or entertainer may not provide, or offer to provide, adult entertainment in a private performance area. Adult entertainment may occur only when it is in the presence of, and is visually observable by, an employee who is not an entertainer.

(b) Any area of the establishment that customers are allowed to access may not be separated or obscured by a door, wall, curtain, drape, partition, or room divider, except for restrooms and any area of which the entire interior is clearly and completely visible from the exterior of the area. This subsection does not preclude the installation or maintenance of any wall or column that is essential to the structural integrity of the building.


Renumber the remaining subsections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.

On page 6, line 10, after "through" strike "(7)" and insert "(8)"

On page 7, after line 24, insert the following:

"(e) "Private performance area" means any separate area, room, booth, cubicle, or other portion of the interior of an establishment to which one or more customers are allowed access or occupancy while other customers are excluded from access or occupancy. "Private performance area" does not include a restroom or any area of which the entire interior is clearly and completely visible from the exterior of the area."

On page 7, beginning on line 34, after "period" strike all material through "(i) The" on line 35 and insert ", the"

On page 7, beginning on line 36, after "entertainer" strike all material through "area" on line 39

On page 9, line 16, after "premises" strike "or private performance areas"

On page 9, line 30, after "contact" strike ","


Prohibits an establishment or entertainer from providing adult entertainment in a private performance area. Specifies that adult entertainment may occur only when it is in the presence of, and is visually observable by, an employee who is not an entertainer.

Prohibits any area of the establishment that customers are allowed to access from being separated or obscured by a door, wall, curtain, drape, partition, or room divider (except for restrooms and any area of which the entire interior is clearly and completely visible from the exterior of the area). Specifies that this restriction does not preclude the installation or maintenance of any wall or column that is essential to the structural integrity of the building.

Modifies other provisions in the underlying bill, including the restrictions on leasing fees and the preemption provisions, to account for the amendment's prohibition of private performance areas.

Corrects a grammatical error.

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