2126 AMH LOW WEHL 191


HB 2126 - H AMD 821

By Representative Low


On page 2, beginning on line 21, after "sewage" strike all material through "it" on line 22 and insert "or on-site sewage system complies with applicable public health and safety and environmental protection rules and has been designed and constructed to safely and adequately treat the total demand proposed to be placed upon it, including"

On page 2, beginning on line 25, after "existing" strike all material through "it" on line 29 and insert "on-site sewage system, the on-site sewage system must be inspected, prior to issuance of the building permit, by a licensed contractor or pursuant to
RCW 36.70A.690, to ensure that the system complies with applicable public health and safety and environmental protection rules and has been designed and constructed to safely and adequately treat the total demand proposed to be placed upon it, including"

On page 3, line 33, after "section" strike "1" and insert "2"

EFFECT: Makes the following changes:

Specifies existing or proposed sewage or on-site sewage systems must comply with existing public health and safety and environmental protection rules and have adequate treatment capacity to include the detached accessory dwelling unit;

Permits inspection of an existing on-site sewage system by a certified homeowner, family member, or tenant, when permitted by the county; and

Makes a technical correction to an internal cross-reference.

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