2237-S AMH TAYL ADAM 100
SHB 2237 - H AMD 930
By Representative Taylor
On page 21, after line 5, insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. A new section is added to chapter 26.09 RCW to read as follows:
(1) To help ensure familiarity with the unique nature of parenting issues in family law proceedings, judicial officers, including persons who serve as judicial officers pro tempore, should receive evidence-based training on procedural justice, trauma-informed practices, domestic violence dynamics, coercive control, domestic violence homicide prevention, sexual abuse, child abuse, trauma, substance use disorder, parents with disabilities, and implicit and explicit bias. Trainings should be provided on an ongoing basis as best practices, research on child development, and legislation continue to evolve. As a method of continuous training, court commissioners, including pro tempore commissioners, shall be notified by the presiding judge or court administrator upon revision of any decision made under this chapter.
(2) Subject to funds appropriated for this specific purpose, the administrative office of the courts shall develop training for judicial officers on the topics listed in subsection (1) of this section, which must be provided free of charge to judicial officers."
Correct the title.
| EFFECT: Provides that judicial officers should receive evidence-based training to help ensure familiarity with the unique nature of parenting issues in family law proceedings. Specifies that the training include procedural justice, trauma-informed practices, domestic violence dynamics, coercive control, domestic violence homicide prevention, sexual abuse, child abuse, trauma, substance use disorder, parents with disabilities, and implicit and explicit bias. Provides that trainings should be given on an ongoing basis as best practices, research on child development, and legislation continue to evolve.
Subject to funding, requires the Administrative Office of the Courts to develop training for judicial officers on these topics, which must be provided to judicial officers free of charge.
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