2391-S AMH LEAV WRIK 312
SHB 2391 - H AMD 1077
By Representative Leavitt
On page 2, after line 22, insert the following:
"(4)(a) At least once a year, the county must publish in a newspaper of general circulation and provide the office of minority and women's business enterprises and office of equity notice of the county’s likely need for ferry maintenance for the upcoming year and solicit interested contractors for a maintenance roster. Before entering into any contracts with state money for maintenance, including an indefinite-quantity contract, the county must notify small, minority, women, or veteran-owned businesses on the applicable roster when a maintenance contract will be let and allow the notified businesses an opportunity to demonstrate their qualifications for the contract. The county must review a proposed contract, including the county's process for evaluating potential contractors and the county's basis for choosing a contractor, with the office of minority and women’s business enterprises and office of equity before entering into the contract.
(b) At least once every three years, the county must provide the office of minority and women's business enterprises and office of equity with information detailing the percentage of ferry maintenance contracts that have been entered into with small, minority, women, or veteran-owned businesses on the maintenance roster.
(c) For the purposes of this subsection (4):
(i) "Small business" has the same meaning as the definition of "small business concern" adopted by the office of minority and women's business enterprises pursuant to RCW 39.19.030.
(ii) "Minority-owned business" and "women-owned business" means businesses so certified by the office of minority and women's business enterprises under chapter 39.19 RCW.
(iii) Veteran-owned business" has the same meaning as in RCW 43.60A.010.
NEW SECTION. Sec. A new section is added to chapter 39.19 RCW to read as follows:
By July 1, 2027, and every three years thereafter, the office must submit a report to the appropriate committees of the legislature on the percentage of ferry maintenance contracts under section 1 of this act being let to small, minority, women, or veteran-owned businesses using the information received from counties pursuant to subsection (4) of section 1 of this act."
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
Correct the title.
| EFFECT: Requires counties using ferry maintenance contracts to annually provide to the Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises and Office of Equity and publish in a general circulation newspaper a notice of the county’s likely need for ferry maintenance for the upcoming year and solicit interested contractors for a maintenance roster. Requires the county to provide notice to small, minority, women, or veteran-owned businesses on the roster before letting a maintenance contract and to allow the businesses an opportunity to demonstrate their qualifications. Requires the county to review a proposed contract, including the county's process for evaluating and choosing contractors, with the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises and Office of Equity before entering into the contract. Requires the county to provide the Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises and Office of Equity information every three years about the percentage of ferry maintenance contracts that have been let to small, minority, women, or veteran-owned businesses, and requires the Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises to provide a report by July 1, 2027, and every three years thereafter, on the information received from the counties. |
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