Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that accurate background checks play an important role in ensuring the safety of Washington families seeking child care services and for those involved in the child welfare system. The legislature finds that many areas of the state lack convenient access to fingerprinting services, thereby significantly delaying or inhibiting hiring and approval processes. The legislature finds that completing background checks more quickly will help address child care workforce shortfalls by allowing providers to hire, train, and employ new staff. The legislature therefore intends to improve workforce stability by reducing processing times for background checks and directing the department of children, youth, and families to make fingerprinting services available at selected early learning and child welfare offices as provided in this act.
Sec. 2. RCW
43.216.270 and 2023 c 437 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) In determining whether an individual is of appropriate character, suitability, and competence to provide child care and early learning services to children, the department may consider the history of past involvement of child protective services or law enforcement agencies with the individual for the purpose of establishing a pattern of conduct, behavior, or inaction with regard to the health, safety, or welfare of a child. No report of child abuse or neglect that has been destroyed or expunged under RCW
26.44.031 may be used for such purposes. No unfounded or inconclusive allegation of child abuse or neglect as defined in RCW
26.44.020 may be disclosed to a provider licensed under this chapter.
(b) The department may not deny or delay a license to provide child care and early learning services under this chapter to an individual solely because of a founded finding of physical abuse or negligent treatment or maltreatment involving the individual revealed in the background check process or solely because the individual's child was found by a court to be dependent as a result of a finding that the individual abused or neglected their child pursuant to RCW
13.34.030(6)(b) when that founded finding or court finding is accompanied by a certificate of parental improvement as defined in chapter
74.13 RCW related to the same incident.
(2) In order to determine the suitability of individuals newly applying for an agency license, new licensees, their new employees, and other persons who newly have unsupervised access to children in child care, shall be fingerprinted.
(a) The fingerprints shall be forwarded to the Washington state patrol and federal bureau of investigation for a criminal history record check.
(b) All individuals applying for first-time agency licenses, all new employees, and other persons who have not been previously qualified by the department to have unsupervised access to children in child care must be fingerprinted and obtain a criminal history record check pursuant to this section.
(c) The secretary shall use the fingerprint criminal history record check information solely for the purpose of determining eligibility for a license and for determining the character, suitability, and competence of those persons or agencies, excluding parents, not required to be licensed who are authorized to care for children.
(d) Criminal justice agencies shall provide the secretary such information as they may have and that the secretary may require for such purpose.
(e) No later than July 1, 2013, all agency licensees holding licenses prior to July 1, 2012, persons who were employees before July 1, 2012, and persons who have been qualified by the department before July 1, 2012, to have unsupervised access to children in child care, must submit a new background application to the department.
(f) The department shall issue a background check clearance card or certificate to the applicant if after the completion of a background check the department concludes the applicant is qualified for unsupervised access to children in child care. The background check clearance card or certificate is valid for five years from the date of issuance. A valid card or certificate must be accepted by a potential employer as proof that the applicant has successfully completed a background check as required under this chapter. For purposes of renewal of the background clearance card or certificate, all agency licensees holding a license, persons who are employees, and persons who have been previously qualified by the department, must submit a new background application to the department on a date to be determined by the department.
(g) The original applicant for an agency license, licensees, their employees, and other persons who have unsupervised access to children in child care shall submit a new background check application to the department, on a form and by a date as determined by the department.
(h) The applicant and agency shall maintain on-site for inspection a copy of the background check clearance card or certificate.
(i) Individuals who have been issued a background check clearance card or certificate shall report nonconviction and conviction information to the department within twenty-four hours of the event constituting the nonconviction or conviction information.
(j) The department shall investigate and conduct a redetermination of an applicant's or licensee's background clearance if the department receives a complaint or information from individuals, a law enforcement agency, or other federal, state, or local government agency. Subject to the requirements contained in RCW
43.216.325 and
43.216.327 and based on a determination that an individual lacks the appropriate character, suitability, or competence to provide child care or early learning services to children, the department may: (i) Invalidate the background card or certificate; or (ii) suspend, modify, or revoke any license authorized by this chapter.
(3) To satisfy the shared background check requirements of the department of children, youth, and families, the office of the superintendent of public instruction, and the department of social and health services, each department shall share federal fingerprint-based background check results as permitted under the law. The purpose of this provision is to allow these departments to fulfill their joint background check responsibility of checking any individual who may have unsupervised access to vulnerable adults, children, or juveniles. These departments may not share the federal background check results with any other state agency or person.
(4) Individuals who have completed a fingerprint background check as required by the office of the superintendent of public instruction, consistent with RCW
28A.400.303, and have been continuously employed by the same school district or educational service district, can meet the requirements in subsection (2) of this section by providing a true and accurate copy of their Washington state patrol and federal bureau of investigation background check report results to the department or if the school district or the educational service district provides an affidavit to the department that the individual has been authorized to work by the school district or educational service district after completing a record check consistent with RCW
28A.400.303. The department may require that additional background checks be completed that do not require additional fingerprinting.
(5) Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose and to help satisfy the background check requirements in this section, the department shall maintain the capacity to roll, print, or scan fingerprints in at least seven of the department's early learning and child welfare offices for the purposes of Washington state patrol and federal bureau of investigation fingerprint-based background checks. Office locations must:
(a) Be prioritized based on proximity to existing fingerprinting service capacity, regional demand, and criteria to enhance timely access;
(b) Provide staff support of a minimum of 0.5 full-time equivalent employees per office location; and
(c) Provide fingerprinting services solely for prospective and current child care employees, licensed group care employees, families, and relatives involved in child welfare.
Sec. 3. RCW
74.15.030 and 2019 c 470 s 20 are each amended to read as follows:
The secretary shall have the power and it shall be the secretary's duty:
(1) In consultation with the children's services advisory committee, and with the advice and assistance of persons representative of the various type agencies to be licensed, to designate categories of facilities for which separate or different requirements shall be developed as may be appropriate whether because of variations in the ages, sex and other characteristics of persons served, variations in the purposes and services offered or size or structure of the agencies to be licensed hereunder, or because of any other factor relevant thereto;
(2) In consultation with the children's services advisory committee, and with the advice and assistance of persons representative of the various type agencies to be licensed, to adopt and publish minimum requirements for licensing applicable to each of the various categories of agencies to be licensed.
The minimum requirements shall be limited to:
(a) The size and suitability of a facility and the plan of operation for carrying out the purpose for which an applicant seeks a license;
(b) Obtaining background information and any out-of-state equivalent, to determine whether the applicant or service provider is disqualified and to determine the character, competence, and suitability of an agency, the agency's employees, volunteers, and other persons associated with an agency;
(c) Conducting background checks for those who will or may have unsupervised access to children or expectant mothers; however, a background check is not required if a caregiver approves an activity pursuant to the prudent parent standard contained in RCW
(d) Obtaining child protective services information or records maintained in the department case management information system. No unfounded allegation of child abuse or neglect as defined in RCW
26.44.020 may be disclosed to a child-placing agency, private adoption agency, or any other provider licensed under this chapter;
(e) Submitting a fingerprint-based background check through the Washington state patrol under chapter
10.97 RCW and through the federal bureau of investigation for:
(i) Agencies and their staff, volunteers, students, and interns when the agency is seeking license or relicense;
(ii) Foster care and adoption placements; and
(iii) Any adult living in a home where a child may be placed;
(f) If any adult living in the home has not resided in the state of Washington for the preceding five years, the department shall review any child abuse and neglect registries maintained by any state where the adult has resided over the preceding five years;
(g) The cost of fingerprint background check fees will be paid as required in RCW
The capacity to roll, print, or scan fingerprints in the department's early learning and child welfare offices for the purposes of Washington state patrol and federal bureau of investigation fingerprint-based background checks as provided in RCW 43.216.270(5);(i) National and state background information must be used solely for the purpose of determining eligibility for a license and for determining the character, suitability, and competence of those persons or agencies, excluding parents, not required to be licensed who are authorized to care for children or expectant mothers;
(((i)))(j) The number of qualified persons required to render the type of care and treatment for which an agency seeks a license;
(((j)))(k) The safety, cleanliness, and general adequacy of the premises to provide for the comfort, care and well-being of children or expectant mothers;
(((k)))(l) The provision of necessary care, including food, clothing, supervision and discipline; physical, mental and social well-being; and educational, recreational and spiritual opportunities for those served;
(m) The financial ability of an agency to comply with minimum requirements established pursuant to this chapter and RCW
74.13.031; and
(((m)))(n) The maintenance of records pertaining to the admission, progress, health and discharge of persons served;
(3) To investigate any person, including relatives by blood or marriage except for parents, for character, suitability, and competence in the care and treatment of children or expectant mothers prior to authorizing that person to care for children or expectant mothers. However, if a child is placed with a relative under RCW
13.34.065 or
13.34.130, and if such relative appears otherwise suitable and competent to provide care and treatment the criminal history background check required by this section need not be completed before placement, but shall be completed as soon as possible after placement;
(4) On reports of alleged child abuse and neglect, to investigate agencies in accordance with chapter
26.44 RCW, including agencies or facilities operated by the department of social and health services that receive children for care outside their own homes, child day-care centers, and family day-care homes, to determine whether the alleged abuse or neglect has occurred, and whether child protective services or referral to a law enforcement agency is appropriate;
(5) To issue, revoke, or deny licenses to agencies pursuant to this chapter and RCW
74.13.031. Licenses shall specify the category of care which an agency is authorized to render and the ages, sex and number of persons to be served;
(6) To prescribe the procedures and the form and contents of reports necessary for the administration of this chapter and RCW
74.13.031 and to require regular reports from each licensee;
(7) To inspect agencies periodically to determine whether or not there is compliance with this chapter and RCW
74.13.031 and the requirements adopted hereunder;
(8) To review requirements adopted hereunder at least every two years and to adopt appropriate changes after consultation with affected groups for child day-care requirements and with the children's services advisory committee for requirements for other agencies; and
(9) To consult with public and private agencies in order to help them improve their methods and facilities for the care of children or expectant mothers.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately."
Provides that the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) must maintain the capacity to capture fingerprints in at least 7, rather than 10, of its early learning and child welfare offices;
Requires a minimum of 0.5 full-time equivalent staff at each location for this purpose, rather than .025 full-time equivalent staff for this purpose;
Specifies that fingerprinting services at DCYF offices are solely for prospective and current child care employees, licensed group care employees, families, and relatives involved in child welfare; and
Makes conforming changes to intent language.