On page 4, line 27, after "(3)" insert "(a) Prior to adopting rules related to musculoskeletal injuries or disorders, the department must contract with an independent third party to prepare an economic impact statement for all impacted businesses as part of the rule-making process.
(b) An economic impact statement must:
(i) Include a brief description of the industries or risk classifications that will be required to comply with the rule; the reporting, recordkeeping, and other compliance requirements of the proposed rule; and the kinds of professional services that a business is likely to need in order to comply with such requirements;
(ii) Analyze the costs of compliance for businesses required to comply with the proposed rule, including costs of equipment, supplies, labor, professional services, and increased administrative costs;
(iii) Estimate any loss of sales or revenue by businesses required to comply with the rule, and the cost per: Employee, hour of labor, or $100 of sales;
(iv) Estimate the number of businesses that will move out of state and jobs that will be lost as the result of required compliance with the proposed rule; and
(v) Include the steps taken by the agency to reduce the costs of the rule on businesses, or reasonable justification for not doing so, and a description of how the agency will involve impacted businesses in the development of the rule.
(c) To obtain information for purposes of this subsection, the department may survey a representative sample of affected businesses or trade associations, and should, whenever possible, appoint a committee to assist in the accurate assessment of the economic impact of a proposed rule and the means to reduce the costs imposed on businesses.
(d) The department must post the economic impact statement on the department's website and provide a copy of the statement to any person requesting it.