5851-S2 AMS WELL S4881.1
2SSB 5851 - S AMD 564
By Senator Wellman
On page 2, line 21, after "and" insert "one or more"
On page 2, line 22, after "genocides" strike "," and insert "and"
On page 2, line 23, after "humanity" strike ", and ethnic studies"
On page 4, line 6, after "and" insert "one or more"
On page 4, line 8, after "genocides" strike "," and insert "and"
On page 4, line 9, after "humanity" strike ", and ethnic studies"
EFFECT: (1) Specifies that the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction collaborate with one or more other nonprofit organizations led by underrepresented communities impacted by genocide with expertise in education of other genocides and crimes against humanity in different regions of the world and at various points in history.
(2) Removes the specification that these nonprofit organizations have expertise in ethnic studies.
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