5950-S AMS GILD S5429.1
SSB 5950 - S AMD 719
By Senator Gildon
ADOPTED 02/23/2024
On page 259, line 12, after "(10)" insert "(a)"
On page 259, beginning on line 13, after "2025" strike all material through "lapse" on line 16 and insert "is provided solely for the department to conduct a feasibility study regarding a resource data tool for the purpose of digitally connecting members of the public to state services in consultation with the advisory group created in (b) of this subsection. The feasibility study shall include recommendations for a mobile application and considerations for language access, alternative communication options, and equitable access for individuals living with disabilities. In making recommendations, the study shall include an examination of other available digital public resource.
(b) The department shall convene an advisory group for the purposes of participating in the decision-making process regarding the feasibility study directed in this subsection. The advisory group shall be composed of representatives from state agencies and the community in the area of system referral and resource navigation, and individuals with lived experience receiving public benefits. At a minimum, the department shall invite representatives from:
(i) Washington information network 211;
(ii) The state 911 coordination office established in the emergency management division of the state military department;
(iii) The department of health and the health care authority involved in the statewide 988 behavioral health crisis response and suicide prevention line;
(iv) WithinReach;
(v) Community living connections;
(vi) First five fundamentals;
(vii) Washington communities for children;
(viii) Washington resource data collaborative;
(ix) Help me grow; and
(x) Accountable communities of health.
(c) The advisory group shall inform and, upon a majority vote, approve the feasibility study. At a minimum, the feasibility study must include a plan and framework for launching the resource data tool, a web portal, and a mobile application. The department shall submit the approved study to the office of the governor and appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1, 2024."
EFFECT: Directs the Department of Social and Health Services to conduct a feasibility study for a resource data tool in consultation with an advisory group created in this subsection.
EXPENDITURE EFFECT (2023-2025): $0 Near General FundState/$0 Total Funds
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