6304-S AMS KING S4995.1
SSB 6304 - S AMD TO S AMD (S-4966.2/24) 665
By Senator King
On page 12, beginning on line 13, strike all of subsection (1) and insert the following:
"(1) The governing authority of an electric utility formed under this chapter may adopt an electrification of transportation plan that, at a minimum, establishes a finding that utility outreach and investment in the electrification of transportation infrastructure does not increase net costs to ratepayers in excess of one-quarter of one percent."
On page 13, beginning on line 12, strike all of subsection (1) and insert the following:
"(1) The commission of a public utility district may adopt an electrification of transportation plan that, at a minimum, establishes a finding that outreach and investment in the electrification of transportation infrastructure does not increase net costs to ratepayers in excess of one-quarter of one percent."
On page 14, beginning on line 11, strike all of subsection (1) and insert the following:
"(1) In establishing rates for each electrical company regulated under this title, the commission may allow an incentive rate of return on investment through December 31, 2030, on capital expenditures for electric vehicle supply equipment that is deployed for the benefit of ratepayers, provided that the capital expenditures of the utilities' programs or plans in RCW 80.28.365(1) do not increase the annual retail revenue requirement of the utility, after accounting for the benefits of transportation electrification in each year of the plan, in excess of one-quarter of one percent. The commission must consider and may adopt other policies to improve access to and promote fair competition in the provision of electric vehicle supply equipment."
EFFECT: Restores the electric utility rate cap provisions.
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