Individual Reentry Plans and Education.
The Department of Corrections (DOC) develops an individual reentry plan for each incarcerated individual in custody of the DOC. The plan includes the period of incarceration through release into the community, and includes housing, employment, education, and other areas needed to facilitate successful reintegration into the community. The DOC's educational programming opportunities for incarcerated individuals include high school diplomas, vocational skills, and work and education programs. Programming during incarceration is based on the individual's reentry plan.
Correctional Industries.
The DOC has a voluntary work program that it operates through Correctional Industries. The program is designed to maintain and expand work training programs to develop marketable job skills and increase successful reentry to the community. Programs include technical skills, service and manufacturing industries, and trade apprenticeship coaching.
Wild Horse Training and Holding Programs.
In 2013 a partnership between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Arizona Correctional Industries, through the Arizona Department of Corrections, opened the Arizona Wild Horse and Burro Training and Holding Facility. The program moves wild horses and burros from the BLM to a prison facility, where incarcerated individuals gentle and train the wild animals to enhance adoptability. The BLM then offers the horses and burros for adoption and sale at a higher fee than for untrained animals.
The Department of Corrections (DOC) is directed to conduct a feasibility study and develop a plan to implement a wild horse training and farrier program in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) at the Coyote Ridge Corrections Center. Farriers maintain horse hooves, a routine service necessary as part of horse ownership. The DOC report and implementation plan should be provided to the Governor and Legislature by November 1, 2023.
To prepare the report and implementation plan, the DOC must consult with the BLM, and the Department of Natural Resources, Department of Agriculture, Walla Walla Community College, Washington State University, federal and state agencies, local governments, and experts in wild horse management and training.
The DOC implementation plan must include the following components:
The facility will be designed to feed, care for, restore, and train BLM horses and burros. The facility development must consider the safety and welfare of the incarcerated participants and the DOC staff, maintain security for the DOC institutions, ensure the welfare of the horses stabled in the facilities, and use repurposed materials from existing facilities. Consideration must be given to using Correctional Industries to construct, maintain, and operate the facilities.
The plan must also consider the availability of financial support from the BLM and other federal funds. The property evaluation must consider property available for purchase or lease in order to produce hay, construct training and stabling facilities, and identify the availability of both well and surface water.