Business Licensing, Regulation, and Reporting.
Businesses are regulated and licensed by multiple state agencies including the Department of Revenue, the Department of Labor and Industries, the Employment Security Department, and the Department of Licensing. Each agency has statutory duties related to Washington businesses:
Businesses and agencies have statutory reporting obligations. For example, certain executive branch agencies, including the Departments of Labor and Industries, Licensing, and Revenue, are required to inventory and update all business permits identified in a performance audit. At least 25 other agencies, including the Employment Security Department and the Departments of Revenue, Labor and Industries, and Licensing, are required to provide the Department of Revenue with information about each business license issued by the agency.
North American Industry Classification System Code.
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) was developed as the standard for use by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for collection, analysis, and publication of statistical data related to the business economy of the United States. NAICS was developed by the federal Office of Management and Budget and adopted in 1997. The NAICS hierarchy begins with broader two-digit sectors, and becomes increasingly narrow with additional digits, including 96 three-digit subsectors, and 308 four-digit industry groups. There are 689 five-digit NAICS codes, which is the level that provides industry detail.
The Department of Commerce's Trade and Business Responsibilities.
The Department of Commerce's (Commerce) statutory obligations related to trade and business include:
Commerce has additional responsibilities that affect businesses, including community and economic development, recruitment and retention of businesses, business services training, operation of the small business retirement marketplace, and contracts with associate development organizations. Services provided by Commerce to meet these responsibilities include technical assistance on accessing capital, networking opportunities, mentorship programs, and education and training.
Associate Development Organizations.
Associate development organizations (ADOs) are local organizations designated by each county to serve as Commerce's primary partner in local economic development activities in their county. Commerce contracts with the ADOs to increase the support for and coordination of community and economic development services in communities or regional areas. The scope of services delivered under the contracts must include direct assistance, including business planning, to companies throughout the county who need support to stay in business, expand, or relocate to Washington. Services must also include support for regional economic research and regional planning efforts to implement target industry sector strategies and other economic development strategies. Both ADOs and Commerce have reporting requirements. The ADOs must submit annual performance reports to Commerce, and Commerce must submit a report to the Legislature by the end of each even-numbered year on the performance results of the contracts with the ADOs.
Public Records Act.
The Public Records Act requires all state and local governmental entities to make all public records available to the public upon request unless a specific exemption applies or disclosure is prohibited. Public records are records prepared or retained by a governmental entity that relate to the conduct of government or the performance of governmental or proprietary functions. There are statutory exemptions for records or information contained in records that allows the governmental entity to withhold the record or redact the information. The exemptions are narrowly construed and are permissive, meaning that the governmental entity has the discretion to produce an exempt record unless a court enjoins production.
Business Information Collected by the Department of Commerce.
The Department of Commerce (Commerce) is required to collect the following information from four state agencies about each business in Washington:
Commerce must collect the information from the Department of Revenue, the Department of Labor and Industries, the Employment Security Department, and the Department of Licensing. The business information is exempt from disclosure by Commerce under the Public Records Act. The exemption does not affect other agencies' obligations under the Public Records Act.
Business Information Provided to Associate Development Organizations.
Commerce is required to provide associate development organizations (ADOs) with access to the information collected about individual businesses. Prior to receiving data, the ADOs must meet data security standards and complete training regarding the access, use, and confidentiality of the data. After receiving the data, the ADOs must keep the data confidential, except when the data is provided to organizations applying for grant funding. In that situation, the ADO may provide the requesting organization with aggregate data.
Apprentice Information Compiled and Published by the Department of Labor and Industries.
Beginning on January 1, 2025, the Department of Labor and Industries is required to compile aggregate data on the number of apprentices living in each county and categorize the apprentices by occupation. The Department of Labor and Industries must publish the aggregate data on its website and update the website data each quarter.