State Business Registration.
All businesses in the state are required to register with the Department of Revenue (DOR) and obtain a registration certificate, unless otherwise exempt. A taxpayer is exempt from the registration requirement if:
Business Licensing System and Handling Fees.
The DOR maintains a portal to the state's business licensing program, referred to as the Business Licensing Service (BLS). The BLS is the state clearinghouse for business licensing. The system allows a business customer to file a business license application, file an annual renewal, check on the status of a business account, view and pay any outstanding fees, and update account information.
The DOR is required to collect a handling fee on each business license application and renewal application. The handling fees are used to administer the BLS. The DOR is authorized to set the rate of any handling fees associated with the BLS by rule, but handling fees may not exceed the following statutory maximums:
Handling fees are not collected when an existing business submits an application to open an additional location or obtain a nonresidential city endorsement.
The DOR may only collect one handling fee on a business license renewal application that is filed by an existing business who fails to renew by the business license expiration date, if the business is unable to operate due to:
To qualify for the one handling fee, the business must not have engaged in business without an active license and must notify the DOR in writing that it is unable to operate due to such circumstances. The DOR may require the business to provide documentation verifying eligibility for the one handling fee.