ESHB 2494
C 262 L 24
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Increasing state funding for operating costs in schools.
Sponsors: House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Bergquist, Rude, Simmons, Senn, Pollet, Callan, Paul, Macri, Stonier and Gregerson).
House Committee on Appropriations
Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education
Senate Committee on Ways & Means

State school funding formulas include allocations per annual average full-time equivalent student for maintenance, supplies, and operating costs (MSOC). ?There are several categories of MSOC specified in state formulas. ?For the 2023-24 school year, total general education MSOC per pupil is anticipated to be $1,483.44.? The 2023-24 MSOC amounts by category are:

  • $178.98 for technology;
  • $416.26 for utilities and insurance;
  • $164.48 for curriculum and textbooks;
  • $326.54 for other supplies;
  • $22.65 for library materials;
  • $25.44 for instructional professional development for certified and classified staff;
  • $206.22 for facilities maintenance; and
  • $142.87 for security and central office.


The technology category includes $25 per pupil outside the state's program of basic education that was added in the 2022-23 school year above statutorily required amounts.

Additional MSOC amounts are provided for students in grades 9 through 12 and students enrolled in career and technical education courses and skill centers.


The MSOC per pupil amounts defined in state prototypical formulas are updated in statute to the 2023-24 school year and include a $21 per pupil increase, from $1,483.44 to $1,504.44 per pupil. ?The increase must be used to address growing costs in the enumerated categories.? The $25 per pupil increase provided for technology in 2022-23 is added to statute. ?

The new 2023-24 general education MSOC per pupil amounts by category are:

  • $178.98 for technology; ?
  • $430.26 for utilities and insurance;
  • $164.48 for curriculum and textbooks;
  • $326.54 for other supplies;
  • $22.65 for library materials;
  • $28.94 for instructional professional development for certified and classified staff;
  • $206.22 for facilities maintenance; and
  • $146.37 for security and central office.


The full amount of MSOC provided in the 2023-24 school year under the bill, including additional amounts, must be provided in that school year. ?The first month's MSOC payment after the bill is enacted must include the additional amounts from the beginning of the 2023-24 school year through that month.

Votes on Final Passage:
Final Passage Votes
House 80 17
Senate 48 1 (Senate amended)
House 93 0 (House concurred)

June 6, 2024