The 2023 State Operating Budget included funding for the University of Washington to establish a data repository to assist the state and all political subdivisions with:
The budget proviso requires the repository to be operated by a Governor-appointed director with doctoral level expertise in demography, statistical analysis, and electoral systems. The repository must include at least 12 years of data regarding:
Repository data must be updated within 30 business days after the certification of each election. The Secretary of State is required to provide relevant data to the repository after each election.
All data must be made available online for the public at no cost, except to the extent to which it identifies individual voters. The repository is currently available online as the Washington State Election Database on the website for the University of Washington Center for the Study of Demography and Ecology.
The University of Washington's responsibility to create an election data repository is codified into statute and named "the Washington Election Database" (Database). The statutory requirements for the Database largely mirror those from the 2022 budget proviso that established the repository, described above. A few changes are made in the bill, however, including the following: