Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research
Local Government Committee
SB 5885
Brief Description: Concerning procedures for certificates of annexation submitted to the office of financial management.
Sponsors: Senator Torres; by request of Office of Financial Management.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Allows a city or town conducting an annexation to file a single certificate related to the annexation with the Office of Financial Management, rather than requiring the certificate to be filed in triplicate.
  • Requires the Office of Financial Management to post a copy of the certificate online, and to notify the Department of Transportation and the annexing city or town that the certificate has been approved and posted.
Hearing Date: 2/14/24
Staff: Kellen Wright (786-7134).

There are multiple ways in which a city or town (City) can annex an unincorporated area, including through petitions from property owners, an election, or an interlocal agreement. 

Whatever method is used, the City must file a certificate of the annexation with the Office of Financial Management (Office), in triplicate, within 30 days of the annexation.  The certificate must be in a form and contain information as prescribed by the Office.  Each copy must include the complete annexation ordinance, a legal description of the annexed area, and a map showing the boundaries of the annexed area.  The certificate must be signed by the mayor and the City clerk.

Once the certificate is approved, the Office must keep one of the copies, return one of the copies to the City, and forward the final copy to the Department of Transportation.

Summary of Bill:

A City conducting an annexation must submit a single certificate to the Office within 30 days of the action specified in the relevant ordinance.  The certificate must be in the specified form and must include the required information, such as the legal description of the annexed area.

The Office must keep the certificate in its files and post a copy on its public website..  The Office must notify the Department of Transportation and the City that the certificate has been approved and posted online, and provide a link to the website.

Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.