Growth Management Act. The Growth Management Act (GMA) is the comprehensive land use planning framework for counties and cities in Washington. The GMA establishes land use designation and environmental protection requirements for all Washington counties and cities. The GMA also establishes a significantly wider array of planning duties for 28 counties, and the cities within those counties, that are obligated to satisfy all planning requirements of the GMA. These jurisdictions are sometimes said to be fully planning under the GMA.
Counties that fully plan under the GMA are required to designate urban growth areas (UGAs) within their boundaries sufficient to accommodate a planned 20-year population projection range provided by the Office of Financial Management (OFM). Each city located within a planning county must be included within a UGA. Urban growth must be encouraged within the UGAs, and only growth not urban in nature can occur outside of the UGAs. Each UGA must permit urban densities and include greenbelt and open space areas.
Comprehensive Plans. The GMA directs fully planning jurisdictions to adopt internally consistent comprehensive land use plans. When developing their comprehensive plans, counties and cities must consider various goals set forth in statute, and include mandatory elements such as housing and a capital facilities plan. Comprehensive plans are implemented through locally adopted development regulations, and both must be reviewed and revised every ten years. The review and revision deadlines are staggered as follows:
The Department of Commerce (Commerce) must establish a program of technical and financial assistance to encourage and facilitate cities and counties to adopt and implement comprehensive plans.
Housing Element. Comprehensive plans must include a housing element that ensures the vitality and character of established residential neighborhoods. The housing element must include the following:
Planning Actions to Increase Residential Building Capacity. Fully planning cities are encouraged to take an array of specified planning actions to increase residential building capacity which include, for example:
In general, ordinances and other nonproject actions taken to implement these specified planning actions are not subject to administrative or judicial appeal under SEPA, and any action taken by a city prior to April 1, 2023, to amend its comprehensive plan or adopt or amend ordinances or development regulations, solely to increase residential building capacity are not subject to legal challenge under the GMA.
Affordable Housing Incentive Programs. Jurisdictions that fully plan under the GMA are authorized to enact or expand affordable housing incentive programs to provide for the development of low-income housing units if various requirements, such as committing low-income housing units developed to continuing affordability for at least 50 years, are met. These programs may be implemented through development regulations, conditions on rezoning or permit decisions, or both, on residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed-use development.
Common Interest Communities. A common interest community (CIC) is a form of real estate in which each unit owner or homeowner has an exclusive interest in a unit or lot and a shared or undivided interest in common area property. In Washington, several statutes govern residential CICs, such as condominiums and homeowners' associations (HOA). Generally these groups can regulate or limit the use of property by its members.
Density Requirements. A fully planning city meeting the population criteria, must provide by ordinance and incorporate into its development regulations, zoning regulations, and other official controls, authorization for the development of a minimum number of units on all lots zoned predominately for residential use by six months after the city's next required comprehensive plan update, or 12 months after OFM determines a city has reached the population threshold, whichever is later.
A fully planning city with a population of at least 25,000 but less than 75,000, that is not within a contiguous UGA with the largest city in a county with a population of more than 275,000, must include authorization for at least:
A fully planning city with a population of at least 75,000, or any city located within a contiguous UGA with the largest city in a county with a population of more than 275,000, must include authorization for at least:
To qualify for the additional units the applicant must commit to renting or selling the required number of units as affordable housing. The units must be maintained as affordable for a term of at least 50 years, and record a covenant or deed restriction that ensures the continuing affordability and address criteria and policies to maintain public benefit if the property is converted to a use other than which continues to provide for permanent affordable housing. The units dedicated as affordable must:
A city with an affordable housing incentive program may vary from these affordable housing requirements and require any development to provide affordable housing, either on-site or through an in-lieu payment.
Density requirements do not apply:
Alternative Density Requirement. Alternative for Certain Cities within Contiguous Urban Growth Areas. As an alternative, cities with a population of less than 75,000 within a contiguous UGA with the largest city in a county with a population of more than 275,000 may authorize at least:
Seventy-five Percent Alternative. Cities subject to the density requirements may choose to implement the density requirements for at least 75 percent of lots in the city that are primarily dedicated to single-family detached housing units. Unless identified as at higher risk of displacement, the 75 percent of lots allowing the minimum densities must include any areas:
The 25 percent where density requirements are not implemented must include:
A city that implements the density requirements for at least 75 percent of lots in the city that are primarily dedicated to single-family detached housing units may apply to Commerce for an extension: to timelines established; or for areas at risk of displacement as determined by the antidisplacement analysis. The city must create a plan for implementing antidiplacement policies by their next comprehensive plan implementation progress report. Any extensions of the timelines established may only be applied to specific areas where a city can demonstrate water, sewer, stormwater or fire protection services lack capacity to accommodate the density required, and the city has: included one or more improvements within its capital facilities plan to increase capacity; or identified which special district is responsible for providing the necessary infrastructure. The extension of timelines remains in effect until the earliest of:
If an extension of the timeline is requested due to lack of water supply from the city or the purveyors who serve water within the city, Commerce's evaluation must be based on the applicable water system plans in effect and approved by the Department of Health. A city may reapply for an additional timeline extension with its next periodic comprehensive plan update or five-year implementation progress report. The extension application must include a list of infrastructure improvements necessary to meet the required capacity. Commerce must provide the Legislature with a list of those projects identified in a city's capital facilities plan that were the basis for the extension. A city granted an extension of timeliness for a specific area must allow development if the developer commits to providing the necessary water, sewer, or stormwater infrastructure.
Middle Housing Requirements. A city must allow at least six of the nine of middle housing types and may allow accessory dwelling units to achieve the unit density requirements. Middle housing is defined as buildings that are compatible in scale, form, and character with single-family homes and contain two or more attached, stacked, or clustered homes including duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, fiveplexes, sixplexes, townhouses, stacked flats, courtyard apartments, and cottage housing.
Any city subject to the middle housing requirements:
A categorical exemption from SEPA is established for development regulations that remove parking requirements for infill development. The parking provisions do not apply:
No city shall approve a building permit for housing without adequate water supply. If a city or its water providers do not have an adequate water supply to serve the housing required by the density requirements the city may limit the areas subject to the requirement to match the increased housing capacity with the water supply. Cities must document and the Department of Ecology must certify the water supply capacity and the water demand reduced by the areas not subject to the density requirements in the record of the regulations adopted.
Population associated with permits for middle housing units are exempt from the threshold of an OFM population projection to a county or a county population allocation to a city.
A city that adopts the density and missing middle requirements is:
Department of Commerce. Commerce must develop and publish model middle housing ordinances within six months after the act takes effect. The model ordinances supersede, preempt, and invalidate local development regulations that fail to allow middle housing within the time frames provided until the city takes action to adopt density and middle housing regulations.
Commerce must establish a process for cities to seek approval of alternative local actions to meet density requirements, and may approve actions for cities that have adopted a comprehensive plan by January 1, 2023, and have adopted, or within one year of the effective date adopts, permanent development regulations that are substantially similar to the density and missing middle requirements. Commerce must find as substantially similar plans and regulations that:
If a city can clearly demonstrate that the regulations adopted will result in a greater increase in middle housing production within single family zones than would be allowed through the density requirements, Commerce may determine that a comprehensive plan and development regulations that do not meet these criteria are substantially similar. Any alternative local actions approved by Commerce are exempt from appeals under the GMA and SEPA.
Commerce must develop guidance to assist cities on items to include in a parking study and provide technical assistance to implement the requirements prioritized based on cities demonstrating the greatest need.
Commerce may establish by rule and any standards or procedures necessary to implement the density and middle housing requirements.
Common Interest Communities. Governing documents and declarations of CICs, including those such as condominiums and HOAs, within cities subject to the middle housing and density requirements created after the act takes effect may not prohibit construction, development, or use of the additional housing units.
The committee recommended a different version of the bill than what was heard. PRO: This is a key element to help us with our housing crisis. It is not unique for the state to be involved in land use at the local level. Under the bill cities will still be allowed to provide for sufficient infrastructure to meet the growth. Majority of cities don't allow this, currently only 5% of permits are for middle housing. When 75% infill land is kept single family only you are keeping people out of housing. It is essential to use developable land available to grow housing without changing the overall character. There are examples throughout the Puget Sound region that shows that updates in codes result in additional housing. This bill would create the floor for jurisdictions so that they are not relying on their neighbors to meet housing needs. Implementation will still be up to each community.
This bill is not about apartment buildings it is about duplexes and other similar buildings. It will not get rid of single-family dwellings but will provide more options. This is intended for redevelopment of homes where it makes financial sense or on vacant lots. Developers will build these if the market demands it which will help lower the cost to buy and rent for new homeowners. Local land use regulations limit the number and type of homes and piecemealing reform will not provide the number of housing needed. Building more housing is complicated and a statewide framework would help us make more progress.
More and cheaper housing is a priority, but we need to be careful that by treating one problem we don't create another problem by creating more wealth inequality. Homeownership is a top way to build wealth, so we need to make sure that the homes are available for purchase rather than rental. The city has noticed long term residents being priced out and forced to move elsewhere which is why the city has adopted a program to allow housing like this. Middle housing types are more affordable in large part because of land costs. There is a need for housing for people with disabilities, especially near transit. Keep people with disabilities in mind so that they can be in these communities. Access to quality housing near parks and schools is essential to everyone's quality of life.
Housing is identified as the states number 1 priority and people prefer more housing walkable to transit and more middle housing types. Production has not kept up with demand and we need creative solutions to solve this problem. Only 15% of Washington households can afford medium priced homes and this allows for more people to go from renters to owners. Affordable housing for people with middle class incomes is critical for UW to allow for staff to afford housing so that we can recruit faculty to our university. We are struggling to attract workers because of lack of housing. Healthy communities need healthy housing markets, and we need both for a good economy. Most people support updating zoning laws and building more housing in their neighborhoods.
The work on this bill makes me proud because it brings people together to make decisions and find the best approach. This bill would provide a safe harbor for cities who implement the density requirements and allows cities to authorize the alternative option or seek approval for substantially similar codes providing additional time for those entities to implement any changes that may be needed. Don't want this bill to get watered down more, it has already been done with parking to allow for more lot area for parking in some cases. Urge aligning the bill with Oregon's middle housing parking and completely eliminate parking requirements for affordable units. Most of this housing is meant to be in transit areas and should not need parking.
CON: In favor of the spirit of the bill and are working hard to increase housing. We are committed to update the comprehensive plan to meet the housing needs of the state, but this bill is flawed. Housing needs should be addressed by locals who know their needs. We need to concentrate our growth where the services, jobs and infrastructure is and would like to be disconnected from the larger cities. Support higher density housing with affordability requirements around transit options but this bill doesn't meet these standards as it fails to address infrastructure needs. This bill should align with the transit-oriented development bill. The GMA has a process to set targets for cities and counties and if they are meeting their targets they should be exempt from these requirements. Shoreline is on target to meet its growth requirements and should be allowed to continue to do its own thing.
Current homeowners should not be pushed out of their neighborhoods because of increased property tax. If you build a quadplex next to my house each of those units would be on the market for a large amount and won't be affordable housing. This would promote market rate housing and not affordable housing. There is the option for development of additional housing if certain numbers are kept as affordable, but this is not a requirement. Affordable housing should be a true component of the bill.
I understand the need for affordable housing and childcare, but it needs to protect the livability of our neighborhoods. The parking restrictions in this bill would push a lot of vehicles onto the street in residential areas. Language to protect urban forest needs to be added to this bill. There should also be requirements for tree canopy. A 2020 King County report stated that there are higher rates of asthma and other medical issues which are caused by air pollutants. Majority of these communities are BIPOC. Trees are known to clean these air pollutants. Few communities have strong tree ordinances, and we need more protection of our existing forest.
OTHER: This year's bill is much better than previous legislation and we are skeptical that developers will choose this option and support allowing more housing options. Growth should be encouraged in areas where public facilities and infrastructure are available, but this cannot be done in some areas. Some cities don't own utilities and rely on outside agencies to provide those. While there is an extension to the timeline included in the bill it does not recognize that infrastructure improvements will take longer than that. The bill doesn't take into account infill requirements or address impacts for cities that don't already have transit. Need to allow parking so that street parking is not used. Appreciate the tiered approach to parking that are in this bill.
There are concerns with state preemption. Land use decisions are best made at the local level. Local impacts and conditions should be taken into consideration to provide a reasonable, implementable, and balanced approach. There should be reporting so that we can see what is working.
The alternative compliance pathway is helpful. Need to make sure the bill is compatible with other housing density bills such as the ADU bills which should be eligible for meeting the density requirements under this bill. There are concerns around lot splitting and potential doubling up on the number of units that can be created. Large family size rentals might be torn down and replaced with smaller units. This type of development may result in loss of tree canopy. Language should be added to protect wildland urban interface. Protecting critical areas is important and those areas should be exempt from these requirements. Would recommend adding susceptibility to wildfires in section 4 (2)(e).
PRO: A key driver of the housing crisis is that local housing regulations restrict types and amounts of homes. The point of this bill is to promote affordability by dividing the cost of the land. Even a $1000one thousand dollar increase in the price of a home can outprice someone. This bill will create more diverse housing types and help with zoning issues, especially near transit. We are bringing our kids into a world where they don’t think they will ever be able to own a home. We need to care about making the world better for them. This bill expands homeownership opportunities and with it the opportunity to build intergenerational wealth. We need to increase the number of units and reduce the cost of housing. The bill is on the right path and we are working with cities to make these changes happen.
CON: There can be changes to the concepts in the bill that will make this bill more acceptable to cities and create incentives. Single family homes are going extinct and people can use new zoning rules to profit by splitting lots. There are no requirements for affordable housing in this bill and no new jobs are being crated in this bill. Land use decisions are best made at the local level, this bill is not necessary. Please amend the bill to be more flexible. Protection to urban trees should be added to this bill. There is no affordable or income requirement in this bill. Infrastructure is expensive and placing growth without local control could be costly. This bill does not take into account efforts that have already been made to meet local targets. Consider making several changes to the bill. This bill will make little difference in increasing public transit usage.
OTHER: We have several concerns for this bill, even though there are timeframes for infrastructure improvements, privately owned utilities will not necessarily be able to meet those deadlines. The striking amendment is a step in the right direction but there needs to be further amendments. Public utilities cannot be expanded to increase density in every zone. We disagree with the state for considering zoning policy without considering local context. Please include additional refinements. This bill is in direct conflict with the Growth Management Act. This bill profoundly changes several things under the growth management act. cities are not opposed to middle housing. Builders are already building at capacity and this bill will not increase the speed of building in the state. There are many housing bills before the legislature but there is not enough time to do all of this work all at once, cities want to find common ground around this bill.