The Department of Natural Resources. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has direct charge and responsibility over all matters pertaining to forest fire services in the state. The forest fire-related duties of DNR include enforcing all forest fire-related laws, investigating the cause of forest fires, and directing fire suppression effort
Local Wildland Fire Liaison. The commissioner of Public Lands (commissioner) must appoint a local wildland fire liaison to represent the interests and concerns of landowners and the general public during any DNR fire suppression activities. The role of the local wildland fire liaison is, among other things, to advise the commissioner on landowner concerns and the availability of local fire suppression assets.
State Fire Services Mobilization. During an emergency, when a local jurisdiction needs assistance beyond the capabilities of local resources and mutual aid agreements, a request may be made for a state fire service mobilization. Mobilization means that all risk resources regularly provided by fire departments, fire districts, and regional fire protection service authorities beyond those available through existing agreements will be requested, and when available, sent in response to an emergency or disaster situation that has exceeded the capabilities of available local resources. During a large-scale emergency, mobilization includes the redistribution of regional or statewide risk resources to either direct emergency incident assignments or to assignments in communities where resources are needed.
The chief of the Washington State Patrol (WSP) has the authority to mobilize jurisdictions under the Washington State Fire Services Mobilization Plan (mobilization plan). The purpose of the mobilization plan is to provide a mechanism and process to quickly notify, assemble, and deploy fire service personnel and equipment to any local fire jurisdiction in Washington that has expended or will expend all available local and mutual aid resources in attempting to manage fires, disasters, or other events that jeopardize the ability of a jurisdiction to protect life and property. The State Fire Marshal in WSP serves as the state fire resources coordinator when a mobilization plan is initiated.
DNR must prepare and submit an appendix on aviation usage by local and tribal fire departments for initial attack as a part of its annual wildfire report to the standing committees of the Legislature with jurisdiction over wildland firefighting. DNR must submit the report by December 1st of each year. The report must address, at a minimum, the following topics:
DNR must consult with the State Fire Defense Committee, tribal fire service representatives, and the State Fire Marshal's Office annually to review aviation program performance and determine aviation needs for the following fire year.
Subject to the availability of funding, DNR must use suppression funding to assist local and tribal fire departments with aerial fire response capabilities during the critical initial attack phase of fighting a wildland fire.
DNR must use suppression funding to assist local or tribal fire departments with initial attacks that meet the following requirements:
DNR must convene a work group composed of wildfire aviation subject matter experts, wildfire aviation contractors, fire service representatives, wildland fire management staff, and other partners to develop a state certification program for aircraft and pilots used in wildfire suppression. DNR must include the findings of the work group in a report to be submitted to the Wildfire Advisory Committee and appropriate committees of the Legislature by December 1, 2025.