In 2004, the Office of the Attorney General (AGO) convened the Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains Task Force, which developed and published a missing persons resource toolkit containing information and resources related to the process of reporting a missing person. AGO last updated the toolkit in 2007.
In 2022, the state established the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People Task Force (MMIWP Task Force) in AGO and directed the MMIWP Task Force to review the laws and policies pertaining to missing and murdered Indigenous people, and develop related recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature. The MMIWP Task Force released an interim report in 2022 with ten recommendations. The eighth recommendation is to update and re-issue the missing persons resource toolkit.
Subject to appropriations, AGO must publish and maintain on its website by November 1, 2023, a missing persons toolkit containing information on locating and recovering missing persons, including how to report a missing person, the kinds of information that may be helpful to provide, suggestions for resources such as counseling to navigate personal or community difficulties, and information which is specifically tailored for reporting and recovering missing Indigenous women and persons, and persons who are particularly vulnerable due to age, health, or mental or physical disabilities or conditions. The toolkit must be published in at least the top ten languages spoken in Washington State. AGO must make an abbreviated hard copy version available to law enforcement entities and update the toolkit annually by November 1st of each year.
This act may be known and cited as the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Person and Lucian Act.