Carbon monoxide (CO) is regulated as one of six criteria air pollutants for which the United States Environmental Protection Agency establishes National Ambient Air Quality Standards for outdoor air pollution. At the state level, CO alarms are required under State Building Code Council rules in residential occupancies, and CO warning stickers must be affixed to certain motor-driven vessels. The presence of CO alarms are one of the items that must be addressed on residential and commercial real estate seller disclosure forms.
The Department of Health must convene an interagency CO workgroup that includes representatives from the Department of Ecology, the Director of the Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory Division, the Department of Transportation, and the Office of the Attorney General. The purpose of the workgroup is to produce a report on current and future state activities to prevent CO poisoning from sources outside of the home, increase awareness of CO among at-risk populations, collect data on CO incidents, and identify funding sources for public awareness campaigns. The workgroup must submit a report to the Legislature by December 1, 2024, containing recommendations on actions to reduce CO poisoning in Washington.
The act may be known and cited as Mary's Law.