Washington Health Corps. The Washington Health Corps was established in 2019 to encourage healthcare professionals to work in critical shortage areas. In exchange for service, healthcare professionals receive assistance with higher education in the form of loan repayment or conditional scholarships. The Washington Health Corps (Corps) is an umbrella program under which four programs exist:
The programs provide licensed professionals with repayment on all or a portion of participants' outstanding student loans in exchange for service at an eligible site. Eligible sites are health care facilities that provide comprehensive outpatient, ambulatory, and primary health care services.
Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program. The Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program is a program under the Corps umbrella for credentialed health professionals serving in underserved behavioral health areas. An underserved behavioral health area is defined as a geographic area, population, or facility that has a shortage of health care professionals providing behavioral health services as determined by the Department of Health.
The Behavioral Health Scholarship Program is created under the Corps for credentialed health professionals serving in underserved behavioral health areas. The Office of Student Financial Assistance (office) is responsible for administration of the program. For the behavioral health loan repayment and scholarship programs, the office must:
The Behavioral Health Scholarship is a conditional scholarship. Scholarship recipients incur an obligation to repay the scholarship, with penalty and interest, unless they serve the required service obligation in a health professional shortage area or an underserved behavioral health area.
PRO: Last year when we were hearing all the trials and tribulations of mental health practitioners. One idea to address that was to use a conditional scholarship. People were reluctant to participate because the interest rate is cumbersome. We are believing that this is going to help. This is based on an idea that passed last year and needs refinement in the RCW. The cost of education can be a discouraging factor for students thinking about pursuing this degree. A behavioral health conditional scholarship will help. WA is 40th across the country for meeting the needs of youth mental health. Three quarters of the kids on apple health who need substance use resources cannot access them. We need an adequate behavioral health workforce. We lost one third of our youth behavioral health workforce during the pandemic. The behavioral health workforce lacks in numbers and diversity. Due to financial barriers behavioral health professions have been inaccessible to diverse communities. This bill will increase mental health services where it's most needed.
PRO: This bill is a priority for the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Work Group. While retaining individuals in the behavioral heath workforce is critical, we need to build the pipeline to get more people in the workforce. Conditional scholarships are an important way to do this. Loan repayment is important, but we also need to be focusing on conditional scholarships as an important component to the critical behavioral health workforce. Our state not only has a behavioral health workforce that lacks numbers, but it also lacks in diversity. Over 80 percent of psychiatrists are white and only ten percent are Black, Native American, or Hispanic. Rural and agricultural communities are also struggling to access behavioral health care. The scholarships in this bill would make behavioral health professions more accessible to those who couldn?t otherwise enter the workforce. Offering conditional scholarships through this bill will enable our state to be well positioned to create a more diverse core of clinicians to address this critical workforce shortage.
PRO: Vaughnetta J. Barton, UW School of Social Work - Washington State Behavioral Health Workforce Development Initiative; Laurie Lippold, Partners for Our Children; Anna Nepomuceno, NAMI WA.