Persons Testifying (March 20, 2023): K-12 Public Schools. PRO: Dawn Vyvyan, Yakama Nation; DaleAnn Baker, WSPTA; Samantha Fogg, Seattle Council PTSA; Tyler Muench, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction; Logan Endres, Washington State School Directors' Association (WSSDA); Mitch Denning, WA Assn of Maintenance & Operation Administrators; Charlie Brown, Skills Center Directors and Tacoma School District; Andrew Villeneuve, Northwest Progressive Institute; Jared Mason-Gere, Washington Education Association.
CON: Betty Rust.
Higher Education. PRO: Darrell Jennings, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges; Chris Bailey, Lower Columbia Community College; Adán Mendoza-Sandoval, VP, WA Student Association; Morgan Hickel, University of Washington; Connor Haggerty, Washington State University; Nora Selander, Western Washington University; David Buri, Eastern Washington University; Alex Davidson, The Associated Students of the University of Washington; Steve DuPont, Central Washington University.
OTHER: Sandy Kaiser, The Evergreen State College.
Housing and Human Services. PRO: Brent Simcosky, Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe; Michael White, King County; Steve Walker, Washington State Housing Finance Commission; Michele Thomas, Washington Low Income Housing Alliance; Nick Federici, United Ways of the Pacific Northwest; Lacey Jane Wolfe, City of Bellevue; Aaron Czyzewski, Food Lifeline; Ryan Donohue, Habitat for Humanity Seattle-King & Kittitas Counties; Erica Hallock, Start Early Washington; Mike Pugsley, Ashley House; Michone Preston, Habitat for Humanity of Washington State; Linda Garcia, Washington State Community Action Partnership; Jesse Simpson, Housing Development Consortium; Peter Shapiro; Jennifer Delia-Bereskin, Washington Low Income Housing Alliance, Resident Action Project; Amanda DESHAZO, Tacoma-Pierce County Affordable Housing Consortium; Andrew Calkins, King County Housing Authority & Association of Washington Housing Authorities; Po Leapai, Washington Low Income Housing Alliance.
OTHER: Laurie Lippold, Partners for Our Children; Linda Grant, Evergreen Recovery Centers; Adrienne Mason, Children's Home Society of Washington; Zeke Smith, Empire Health Foundation; Shrounda Selivanoff, Children's Home Society of Washington; Diana Stadden, The Arc of WA State; Jim Theofelis, NorthStar Advocates; Jessica Renner, Self Advocates in Leadership (SAIL); Amy King, Weld Seattle; Shawn Latham, Allies in Advocacy; Katie Nash, Self Advocate; Ramona Hattendorf, The Arc of King County.
Natural Resources. PRO: Ryan Hendricks, Quinault Indian Nation; Vanessa Kritzer, Washington Association of Land Trusts; Andi Anderson, Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS); Dawn Vyvyan, Yakama Nation; Ruth Clemens, City of Aberdeen, City Administrator; Brian Shay, City of Hoquiam, City Administrator; Lynnette Buffington, Greater Grays Harbor, CEO; Scott Richards, The Nature Conservancy; Jasmine Zimmer-Stucky, Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership; Mitsu Iwasaki; Amanda McKinney, Yakima County Commissioner; Phil Rigdon, Yakama Nation; Urban Eberhart, Kittitas Reclamation District; Mark Streuli, Washington Potato and Onion Association; Councilman Kevin Lenon, Sauk-Suiattle Tribe.
CON: David Ortman; Jay Schwartz.
OTHER: Christine Mahler, Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition; Daniel Lucio, Hunters of Color; Gary Medvigy, Clark County Council; Mara Zimmerman, Coast Salmon Partnership; Tom Kollasch; Roxanne Miles, Washington Recreation & Park Assoc..
All Other. PRO: AyeNay Abye, Tubman Center for Health and Freedom; Emijah Smith, Tubman Center for Health and Freedom; Dr. Ben Danielson, Tubman Center for Health and Freedom; SETH MUIR, Sail Sand Point; Derek Baker, Seattle Aquarium; Kathryn Gardow, Chair, Public Works Board; Michael Moran, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation; Brandy DeLange, Association of Washington Cities; Raymond Yurkewycz, Mount St Helens Institute; Christy Bracewell Trotter, Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic; Mary Bartolo, Sea Mar Community Health Center; Lua Pritchard, Asia Pacific Cultural Center; Joel Ing, APCC; Belinda Louie, APCC; Andrea Thayer, Washington State Fairs Association/WA State Fair; Danielia Barron, YMCA Camp Colman; Josephine Tamayo Murray, Communities of Concern Commission; Rose Feliciano; Eric ffitch, Washington Public Ports Association.
OTHER: Carissa Hahn, CWA/WashTech; Leah Missik, Climate Solutions; Erica Sessle, Lifelong: Health for All.