It is unlawful to knowingly sell or offer for sale at wholesale or retail any fresh, frozen, or processed salmon without identifying private sector cultured aquatic salmon or salmon products as farm-raised salmon, or identifying commercially caught salmon or salmon products as commercially caught salmon. Identification must be made to the buyer at the point of sale such that the buyer can make an informed purchasing decision for their protection, health, and safety.
A violation of the labeling requirements constitutes misbranding, and is punishable as a misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or felony depending on the fair market value of the fish or shellfish involved in the violation.
It is unlawful to knowingly sell or offer for sale at wholesale or retail any fresh, frozen, or processed salmon without identifying private sector cultured aquatic salmon or salmon products as farm-raised salmon or wild caught. Farm-raised salmon must also identify whether any red dye is used, and the state, province, or foreign country where it was farm-raised. Wild-caught salmon must identify the species of salmon by its common name, and the state, province, foreign country, or waterbody where it was commercially caught.
It is unlawful for any person to sell at retail or display for sale at retail any salmon without having the package or container in which the salmon is sold bear a label easily readable to a customer identifying the species of salmon by its common name.