Office of the Lieutenant Governor. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor was established with the creation of Washington's statehood in 1889. The Lieutenant Governor position serves as the President of the Senate, performs duties as the acting governor when the Governor is absent from the state, and acts as Chair of the Senate Rules Committee. As part of the responsibilities of the President of the Senate, the Lieutenant Governor serves on no fewer than seven boards and committees including the Legislative Committee on Economic Development and International Relations (LCEDIR).
Legislative Committee on Economic Development and International Relations. The LCEDIR was originally established in 1985 as the Legislative Committee on Economic Development. In 2003, the Legislature added international relations into the jurisdiction of the committee. The purpose of LCEDIR is to study and review economic development issues, placing special emphasis on international trade, tourism, investment, and industrial development, and assist the Legislature in developing comprehensive and consistent economic development policy. LCEDIR committee members include six senators and six representatives, with three Democratic members and three Republican members appointed from each legislative body as well as the Lieutenant Governor as committee chair. Vacancies on the committee are filled by the appointing authority.
The LCEDIR international trade account expenditure reimbursement list is amended to allow for travel and lodging reimbursement. The total number of committee members eligible to serve on the committee is increased from six senators and six representatives to eight senators and eight representatives. The number of appointed Democratic and Republican members from each legislative body is increased from three to four each. The bill expands committee cooperation with other entities to include provinces and territories of Canada as well as foreign consuls. State law regarding the requirement for vouchers to be used as the form of expenditure reimbursement for members is repealed.